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Yes, but you have to submit different sets of application form.

Yes, but the third party must be Scottrade customer. In addition, the third party must complete a Letter of Authorization form. 可以,但是此人必须是史考特证券的客户,他或她需要填写授权书。
Yes, but this is a drastic moe. 是没错,但这个举动也是很激烈.
Yes, but this is a drastic move. 是没错,但这个举动也是很激烈.
Yes, but we have to be smart. 可以的,但我们得放聪明点。
Yes, but we only have one on the sixth floor. 是的,不过我们只有六楼的一间。
Yes, but you have to submit different sets of application form. 可以,不过必须递交不同的申请表格。
Yes, but you move slower than you do on land. 能,移动速度会比陆地上减慢。
Yes, but you'd better take a guide to go with you. 可以,但您最好找个向导一起去。
Yes, charity should begin at home. 是,慈善应该在家开始.
Yes, crew members enjoy duty free prices onboard a cruise ships, they also get up to 25% discount on goods purchased in the onboard boutique shops. 不错,船员享受免税价格艇游轮上他们还得到高达25%的折扣购买的物品随身携带的精品店.
Yes, cross-server Battlegrounds in patch 1.12 will help alleviate queue times on a lot of servers. 当然,于1.12上线的跨服战场将会减少很多服务器上的排队时间。

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