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You must not lose faith in humanity.Humanity is an ocean;if a few drops of the ocean are dirty,the ocean does not become dirty.

You must not expose yourself to criticism. 你必定不要把自己暴露于批评下。
You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. 当我靠近你时不要觉得感伤,生气或无奈.
You must not find symbols in everything you see. It makes life impossible. 你千万不要在你看见的任何东西上去找寻标记,那将使生命变得毫无希冀。
You must not fret yourself about it. 你不要为它而使你自己感到焦躁不安。
You must not let the children run wild and do exactly what they like. 你不能让孩子到处乱跑,想干什么就干什么。
You must not lose faith in humanity.Humanity is an ocean;if a few drops of the ocean are dirty,the ocean does not become dirty. 不要对人性丧失信心。人性是一片海洋,如果其中有几点脏水,海洋也不会变脏。
You must not only carry the Chinese flag. 你绝对不能光有中国国旗。
You must not peek while you are counting in such games as hide-and-seek. 象捉迷藏一类游戏中,你数数时绝对不能偷看。
You must not picture a super-natural devil every time you read the word devil. 你每次读到“魔鬼”这个词没有必要都想象出超凡的魔鬼。
You must not play on the street. 你不许在街上玩耍。
You must not pledge your own health. 切不可把健康作孤注一掷。

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