Tears of gratitude welling up in his eyes, the young man had a moment with the juror before being led off to prison. Thank you, thank you-how'd you do it?
眼里充满着感激的泪水,这位年轻人在被带到监狱之前,赶紧走到这位陪审员跟前说,“谢谢,太谢谢你了-你是怎么办到的?” |
Tears of guilt, I thought at first. But I was wrong. No apology ventured forth from the little girl's mouth. Instead I heard a tiny, frustrated voice.
是后悔的泪水,我一开始这样想。但我错了。小女孩嘴里没有说出道歉的话来。我听到了一个弱弱的失落的声音。 |
Tears rained down her cheeks.
眼泪从她的面颊上如雨点般落下。 |
Tears ran down her cheeks as she told us about her sufferings.
她给我们讲她的苦难遭遇时,眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。 |
Tears ran down her cheeks.
泪水从她的脸颊流了下来。 |
Tears rolled down its face, and it sobbed and howled very piteously.
眼泪顺着它的脸哗哗地淌,它可怜兮兮地哀号起来。 |
Tears run down his face, dropping down on her hair.
他的眼霎时湿漉漉了,两串珍珠似的东西滴在妻的秀发上。 |
Tears shone in her eyes. She held up her right hand to me. I took it and stood silent.
眼泪在她眼中闪光,她向我伸出右手。我握住她的手静默地站着。 |
Tears stream down my cheeks when I recall the look of the deceased while in life.
当我回忆死者在世时的音容笑貌时,不禁泪流满面。 |
Tears streamed down her cheeks.
热泪从她脸上流下。 |
Tears streamed from her eyes.
泪水从她的眼中流出。 |