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From now on to the end of 2020 is an important development period for Yunnan economy, and we should accelerate the course of industrialization and take a new road to industrialization, so that we can realize the arduous task of making the per-capita GDP r

From now on any violation of the regulation must be cruelly punished. 今后任何违反秩序的行为会受到严厉惩罚。
From now on every directory description will be relative to the extracted source directory and if no information about a change to a specific directory is given you should be in the source directory. 从现在起每个目录的描述将会和源文件解压后的目录有关,如果没有专门指出更改到某个特定目录,你应该在源文件目录下.
From now on he wants to get his ducks in a row. 从今以后,他要把事情安排得很有条理。
From now on let no one cause trouble for me, for I bear on my body the brand-marks of Jesus. 加6:17从今以后、人都不要搅扰我.因为我身上带著耶稣的印记。
From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 52从今以后,一家五个人将要分争,三个人和两个人相争,两个人和三个人相争。
From now on to the end of 2020 is an important development period for Yunnan economy, and we should accelerate the course of industrialization and take a new road to industrialization, so that we can realize the arduous task of making the per-capita GDP r 从现在起到2020年底,是云南经济发展的重要时期,要实现人均国内生产总值3000美元,使较多贫困人口与全省人民同步实现小康这项光荣而艰巨的任务,应加快工业化进程,走新型工业化道路。
From now on until further notice, new customers subscribing to Basic Plan A are entitled to a special monthly rental at $19 per month and Fax Alert &Receivefunction for FREE for the first 12 months after service activation. 由即日起直至另行通知,新登记选用基本计划A之客户,于服务启用后首12个月均可享特惠月费港币$19及获送传真提示及接收功能。
From now on we as always will provide the satisfaction for the customer the service, simultaneously zealously will welcome each place broad merchants to come to discuss the cooperation! 今后我们将一如既往地为客户提供满意的服务,同时热忱欢迎各地广大客商前来洽谈合作!!!
From now on we'll study hard. 从这儿以后,我们要好好学习。
From now on you may email me questions on work permit, HSMP, or you may join the Yahoo! UKvisas group to discuss your problems with members! 现在增加工作签证,高技术移民免费咨询.如有问题请电邮或加入雅虎组群参加讨论.
From now on you're my students. 从现在起,你们就是我的学生了.

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