The imported bearing with high precision, to assure the precision of the main shaft.
机器内轴承全部采用高精度进口等级轴承,使平衡轴的精度得以保证。 |
The imported equipment for the nationally encouraged foreign invested enterprises may enjoy the exemption policy on tariffs and importantion value added tax.
对国家鼓励发展的外商投资企业进口设备,免征关税和进口环节增值税。 |
The imported equipment use the most advanced PET asepsis cold-fill line and asepsis soft-packing line ,which brings 4 benefits of more fresh taste, more rich nutrition, more convenient usage and more safe on consumption.
公司引进的设备不仅采用无菌冷灌装的生产工艺,而且充分利用本身的技术特色,使产品口味更新鲜、营养更丰富、使用更方便、消费更安全的四大优点。 |
The imported equipments of Italy SU razor grinding equipment, Germany P26 testing center, roughness contourgraph of British Taylor Hobson Limited and Japan spectral analysis apparatus etc.
包括各类型数控滚齿机、剃齿机、磨齿机、内、外圆磨床、全功能数控车床以及齿形、齿向检测仪、滚刀综合检测仪等设备1300余台。 |
The imported frequency control of motor speed adapts to different printing speeds.
进口变频电机调速,适应不同印刷速度。 |
The imported transparent glaze fired at lower temperature was analysed semi-quantitatively by adopting emission spectroscope.The stripping of lead and cadmium from this transparent glaze fired at lower temperature in ceramic product was determined by atom
采用发射光谱仪对进口低温透明釉进行半定量分析,并用原子吸收光谱仪测定其陶瓷制品的铅、镉的溶出量,分析化学成分对铅、镉溶出量的影响.结果表明,进口低温透明釉采用低铅配方不能解决铅溶出量的超标问题,只有采用无铅釉才能解决.探讨用氧化锂和氧化锶等新型熔剂完全代替氧化铅的工艺,研究釉料中氧化硅、氧化铝、氧化硼和各种金属氧化物的含量,对釉的线膨胀系数、熔融温度和透明度等性能的影响.分析坯料、釉料的线膨胀系数及其相互关系和釉料制备的工艺,研制出优质的1000~1050℃低温无铅透明釉. |
The importer has filed a complaint with our corporation about poor packing of the goods.
进口商为货物的差劲包装向我公司提出抱怨。 |
The importer is not necessarily the end-user of the product.
进口商不一定是进口产品的最终使用者。 |
The importer is to complete this copy on the back for the examination and endorsement of the Customs and return it to: Bureau of Drug Administration Policy, Ministry of Public Health, People's Republic of China.
本联由报关单位如实填写背面各项内容,经海关检验放行并盖章后,由报关单位寄:北京中华人民共和国卫生部药政管理局。 |
The importer still import the electronic products which has been disobeyed by the import management of this rule.
(六)电子信息产品进口者违反本办法进口管理规定进口电子信息产品的。 |
The importers hae the right to reinspect the goods after their arrial.
进口商在货到后有权复验商品。 |