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As a fresh course, integrative practical activity course becomes the focus of people's concern.

As a formula, it is easy to visualize. 就像公式,这是很容易想象的。
As a forward-looking company we rely on the innovative skills and commitment of our workforce to maintain our lead in the development of state-of-the-art technologies for rail and commercial road vehicles. 作为一个前瞻性的公司,我们依靠技术创新和员工参与来保持我们在尖端的轨道和商用道路车辆技术开发方面的领先地位。
As a forward-looking company we rely on the innovative skills and commitment of our workforce to retain our lead in the development of state-of-the-art technologies for rail and commercial road vehicles. 作为一个前瞻性的公司,我们依靠技术创新和员工参与来保持我们在尖端的轨道和商用道路车辆技术开发方面的领先地位。
As a founder of Mohism in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, Mocius is well known to many people, but as an outstanding ancient craftsman and military architect he has not enjoyed equal popularity with the celebrated architect Lu Ban. 摘要作为墨家学派创始人的墨子是广为人知的,但作为和公输班(鲁班)齐名的古代著名工匠和军事建筑学家的墨子,则鲜为人知。
As a frantic search for the creature begins, Number 5 settles down in his new home... with a gentle young woman who has every intention of holding on to her find. 展开对他搜索的同时,5号在新家定居了……还有一个善良的女人,一言一行都支持他的发现。
As a fresh course, integrative practical activity course becomes the focus of people's concern. 作为新的课程形态,综合实践活动课在整个课程体系结构中,成了人们关注的焦点,也成了亮点。
As a freshman in management academe,I'm willing to learn some manage skills,especially Microsoft's manage measure.MS club just offered me such a chance. 作为管理学院的新生,我当然十分乐于去学习一些管理技巧,尤其是微软的管理理念,而微软俱乐部正是给我提供了一个这样的学习机会。
As a friend said, to a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. 如同一位朋友所说的,对一位持铁锤的人来说,每—样事看起来都像是钉子。
As a friend, I don't blame you for what you've done, but in my capacity as an officer of the law, I must do my duty and punish you. 做为一个朋友,我不责备你所做所为,但以一个法律官员的身分地位,我必须尽责并处罚你。
As a fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chill showers to ripen it,so character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it. 正如水果不仅需要阳光,也需要凉爽的夜晚与寒冷的雨水才能成熟,性格的陶冶不仅需要欢乐,也需要考验和困境。
As a fundamental subject, diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine has plentiful content, and involves various disease and syndromes. 摘要中医诊断学是中医各专业的基础课,内容丰富,病证繁多。

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