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To strenthen humanistic spirit,to avoid trampling human dignity and human rights and to develop wholly and freely in a law-governing society,the adaptation principle of humannistic spirit should be clearly defined.

To reduce its number according to the countable tonetic syllable is the only way available to realize "one language, two cultures", and the only way of Chinese characters' development. 按计声调音节压减汉字字数是实现汉语"一语双文"的惟一可行途径,是中国文字发展的惟一正确的方向。
To solve the little sample, less data, incomplete information and devoid experience of uncertain problems, the traditional mathematics model is not the best. The yield of reed prediction is a case in point. 对于小样本、少数据、信息不完全和经验缺乏的不确定性问题的解决,用传统的数学建模方法并不太适合,芦苇产量预测就属于此类问题。
To solve the problem of accurate measuring the pressure of wide range, a pressur e measuring module is developed. 为解决宽范围精确计量压力的问题 ,将多支压力传感器按量程顺序串联连接 ,不同量程压力传感器之间接有电磁阀 ,组成压力自动计量模块。
To solve this problem,this experiment used 0% chicken RBC saline solution to process 0 parrot sera for minutes,it could remove all of nonspecific agglutinating factor activity in parrot sera. 为解决这一问题,本试验采用将待检鹦鹉血清用0%鸡红细胞生理盐水悬液处理min,可消除全部 0份被检血清中的非特异性凝集现象。
To strengthen the decorum education,we have to accomplish it from both strengthening the basic morality education and the training of polite behavior. 加强礼仪教育必须从强化基本道德教育和训练文明行为两个方面进行
To strenthen humanistic spirit,to avoid trampling human dignity and human rights and to develop wholly and freely in a law-governing society,the adaptation principle of humannistic spirit should be clearly defined. 加强人文精神,避免人的尊严、人的基本权利遭到践踏,使人在法治社会中能得到全面、自由的发展,首要的就是厘清人文精神在法治中的适用原则,人格尊严与价值是人文精神在法治中的支柱;
To study binding funtion of consensus bases in bp PUR box with purR protein, the directed site mutation for each was carried out which mutate from C to G, A to G, A to G, T to C, respectively. 为研究bP PUR box中除第 位的G与第位的C外,余下个完全保守碱基的个在与PurR阻遏蛋白结合中的功能,对它们分别做了定点突变,使其分别从C、A、A和T突变为G、G、G和C。
To study the effects of a primary immune response to T-cell dependent antigens on central serotonin(-HT)metabolism,keyhole limpet hemocyanin(KLH)was administered intraperitoneally to F male rats. 在F 雄性大鼠腹腔注射血蓝蛋白(KLH),研究T 细胞依赖抗原初始免疫反应对中枢神经系统 羟色胺( HT)代谢的影响。
To the edge of left and right spinous foramen are .7±. mm and .0±.7 mm respectively. 到棘孔内缘分别为 .7±. mm, .0±.7 mm;
To the nowaday's theory . 对现有理论状况。
To the problem of quick-sort, the authors give an average capacity analysis of the algorithm which is based on random choice 'pintle'. 对快速排序算法,基于枢轴元素的随机选取这一前提条件,对这一算法进行了时间平均性能的分析。

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