Illicit trafficking of radioactive materials will result in serious threaten to society in the case of nuclear and radiological terrorism.
摘要在核与辐射恐怖形势日趋严峻的情况下,放射性物质的非法运输对社会安全造成极大的威胁。 |
Illidan had not forgotten his long imprisonment.
伊利丹没有忘记他的漫长监禁。 |
Illidan: Akama... your duplicity is hardly surprising. I should have slaughtered you and your malformed brethren long ago.
伊利丹:阿卡玛……我早就预料到了你的背叛。我早就应该把你们这些丑陋的破碎者一个不留地杀光。 |
Illidan: Boldly said. But I remain unconvinced.
伊利丹:“无聊……我对此无法容忍。” |
Illidan: Betrayer? In truth, it was I who was betrayed. Still, I am hunted. Still, I am hated. Now, my blind eyes can see what others cannot.
叛徒?其实我才是被出卖的人。我仍然被追捕,我仍然被憎恨。现在,我失明的双眼能看到别人看不到的东西,我因此迟早会掌握命运之轮。向前吧,释放毁灭之潮,淹没我们的敌人。 |
Illidan: Is this it, mortals? Is this all the fury you can muster?
伊利丹:“就这些能耐么,凡人?这就是你们的怒火的程度么?” |
Illinois Congressman John Shimkus who chairs the House Page Board testified for more than three hours Friday behind closed doors about former Congressman Mark Foley.
伊利诺斯州国会议员约翰,众议院记录会议的主席,星期五秘密地对前国会议员马克佛利进行了三个多小时的核查。 |
Illinois Senator Barack Obama is in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, holding a town hall meeting just hours after officially announcing his candidacy for president.
在正式宣布参加总统竞选的几小时后,伊利诺斯州的参议员巴拉克?奥巴马在爱荷华州的锡达拉皮兹城召开了市政会议。 |
Illinois Senator Barack Obama says he still hasn't decided whether to run for president.
伊利诺州参议员说他还没有决定将是否竞选总统。 |
Illinois University Law Library---
伊利诺斯大学法学院图书馆. |
Illinois's governor and Chicago's mayor threatened to sue.
伊利诺伊州长和芝加哥市长则以起诉相威胁。 |