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The deadly enemy of a man, his own tongue....

The daughters of menThe distinction made is that these women were not godly. “人的女儿”是指那些远离神的女人。
The day before her accident, she had a premonition of something horrible. 在发生事故的前一天,她有一种预感会发生什么恐怖的事情。
The days are coming,declares the LORD , when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes. 13耶和华说,日子将到,耕种的必接续收割的,踹葡萄的必接续撒种的。
The days are coming,declares the LORD, when I will plant the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the offspring of men and of animals. 27耶和华说,日子将到,我要把人的种和牲畜的种播种在以色列家和犹大家。
The days of a (standalone) 3D workstation are numbered,he said. 他说“一个独立的三维工作站的出现指日可待。”
The deadly enemy of a man, his own tongue.... 『一个人最危险的敌人是他自己的口舌。』
The decline of government organizational capacity in the countryside means they're often out of touch with farmers, but also overloaded with targets and tasks from above,he said of officials. “政府的机构组织能力达不到乡村地区,这意味着他们并不和农民接触,但是同时,他们又下达了过重的目标和任务,”他说。
The deluge of spare cash has two main sources. First, average real interest rates in the developed world are still below their long-term average. 游资泛滥的原因有两点。第一,发展中地区的平均实际利率仍然低于它们的长期平均水平。
The democratization and dissemination of information throughout the network in all directions irrespective of organizational position ... 五、分布式的决策。信息自由地为获得授权的员工共享将造成?过程自然被分散而遍布到整个组织。
The departed spirits tremble Under the waters and their inhabitants. 伯26:5在大水和水族以下的阴魂战兢。
The desire to break away from normal life appeared to be increasing in our society in reaction to widespread concerns about North Korea's nuclear program,Dongkuk University professor Lee Yoon-Ho was quoted as saying. 《朝鲜日报》援引东国大学教授李永浩的话说:“朝鲜核计划引起人民的普遍担忧,人们逃离现实生活的想法似乎越来越强烈。”

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