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The Philharmonia Moments Musicaux has developed into several groups: Philharmonia Moments Musicaux, Youth Orchestra Moments Musicaux, Moment Musical Camelot Players, A Capella Philharmonia Moments Musicaux, and Music Uropia.

The Pharmacopoeia Committee of the department of the State Council administering health is the body responsible for handling the setting and revision of national drug standards. 国务院卫生行政部门的药典委员会负责组织国家药品标准的制定和修订。
The Pharmacopoeia Committee organized by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council shall be responsible for the formulation and revision of the State pharmaceutical standards. 国务院药品监督管理部门组织药典委员会,负责国家药品标准的制定和修订。
The Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China and the Drug Standards issued by the drug regulatory agency of the State Council shall serve as the National Drug Standards. 国务院药品监督管理部门颁布的《中华人民共和国药典》和药品标准为国家药品标准。
The Phase I of Huaian Brocade &Silk Garments Co.,Ltd.,with a total investment of RMB15 million and an area size of 8,000 square meters (architectural size is 3,000 square meters),is mainly dedicated in children's garment production and clothing Imp. &Exp. 公司集服装生产、自营进出口业务于一体,总资产1500万元,一期工程占地面积8000平方米,建筑面积3000平方米,拥有两个现代化生产车间,可容纳10条生产流水线。
The Phelps portfolio also includes — in years when weather conditions permit — luscious dessert wines made from Johannisberg Riesling Scheurebe, Semillon and Muscat. 在气候条件允许的年份,酒园还生产包括酿自约翰内斯堡雷司令舒伯、森美蓉和麝香的香气袭人的餐末甜酒。
The Philharmonia Moments Musicaux has developed into several groups: Philharmonia Moments Musicaux, Youth Orchestra Moments Musicaux, Moment Musical Camelot Players, A Capella Philharmonia Moments Musicaux, and Music Uropia. 目前已发展出「乐兴之时管弦乐团」、「乐兴青年管弦乐团」、「乐兴圆桌武士」、「乐兴之时女声合唱团」、「音乐理想国」等附属团体。
The Philippine coast guard has detained 24 Chinese nationals on suspicion of poaching in Philippine waters off the southwestern province of Palawan. 菲律宾海岸警卫队拘留了24名中国公民,理由是怀疑他们在菲律宾西南省份巴拉望的水域非法捕鱼。
The Philippine government plans to deploy at least 13,000 police and troops around Congress for the president's state-of-the-nation address on July 24 after uncovering an alleged plot to seize the legislature. 菲律宾政府在捣破一个袭取立法机关的阴谋之后,计画在国会大楼周围部署至少13,000警员和士兵为了本月24日总统的国情咨文报告。
The Philippines are in the western Pacific Ocean southeast of China. 菲律宾群岛在中国东南太平洋西部。
The Philippines has taken its own steps to reduce gas emissions. 现在,菲律宾已经开始采取行动减少温室气体的释放量。
The Philippines were ceded to the United States by Spain. 西班牙把菲律宾群岛割让给美国。.

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