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Emilia. What will you do with 't, that you have been so earnest To have me filch it?

Emilia. Is he not jealous? 爱米利娅他不会嫉妒吗?
Emilia. O, fie upon them! Some such squire he was That turn'd your wit the seamy side without, And made you to suspect me with the Moor. 爱米利娅哼,可恶的东西!前回弄昏了你的头,使你疑心我跟这摩尔人有暧昧的,也就是这种家伙。
Emilia. Pray you, come in; I will bestow you where you shall have time To speak your bosom freely. 爱米利娅请您进来吧;我可以带您到一处可以让您从容吐露您的心曲的所在。
Emilia. Shall I go fetch your night-gown? 爱米利娅我要不要就去把您的睡衣拿来?
Emilia. What handkerchief? Why, that the Moor first gave to Desdemona; That which so often you did bid me steal. 爱米利娅什麽手帕!就是那摩尔人第一次送给苔丝狄蒙娜,你老是叫我偷出来的那方手帕呀。
Emilia. What will you do with 't, that you have been so earnest To have me filch it? 爱米利娅你一定要我偷了它来,究竟有什麽用?
Emilie : That's the problem. It's too far to go back often . I'll have to stay there nntil my father is well enough to go back to back . 艾米莉:这就是我的问题所在。法国太远了,我不可能常回来,我必须呆到我爸爸康复,能够再回去工作时才回来。
Emilie comes from France, and Randy was born in Taiwan. 艾米莉来自法国,蓝迪出生于台湾。
Emilie:It's a deal-the Fourth of July in Paris-walking under the bright lights of the Left Bank. 艾米莉:一言为定--7月4日在巴黎--温步于左岸的明亮灯光下。
Emilie:Of course. And if I have enough time , I'll be at . We can celebrate the Fourth of July together. 艾米莉:当然可以。如果我时间够,我很乐意带你到处参观。
Emilie:Oh,thanks, Franco,but I don't look that smart. 艾米莉:哦,谢了,佛朗哥,不过我没有你说的那么漂亮。

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