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A tragic tale of love, loss and eternal damnation, set against the backdrop of the Spanish conquest of Mexico.

A traffic jam. 交通阻塞
A traffic sign should be conspicuous . 交通标志应该明显。
A traffic sign should be conspicuous. 交通标志应该明显。
A tragedy always concludes with the hero's or the heroine's death. 悲剧总是随男主人公或 女主人公的死亡而告终.
A tragedy has occurred to a tutor who has drunk an amateur mayor's sulphur liquor. 悲剧发生在一个唱了客串市长的硫磺液的导师身上。
A tragic tale of love, loss and eternal damnation, set against the backdrop of the Spanish conquest of Mexico. 一场爱的悲剧,一个古老永恒的诅咒,这一切,是由西班牙大举进军殖民墨西哥所引起的.
A trail of her footstep was on the pure white ground, made me feel light and warm. 她的一串脚步印在洁白的雪地上,给人一种轻盈而又温暖的感觉。
A trailer or dwelling place on wheels. 活动住房用汽车拖拽的住所
A trailing lavender negligee that swore at her bright red hair. 她身着拖地的淡紫色的长睡衣,与她那耀眼的红头发很不协调。
A train approaches a station. 一列火车接近车站。
A train from Nanning, capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, to Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province, stops at a station in an autonomous prefecture of Guizhou Province. 2002年12月3日,一列从南宁开往昆明的列车停靠在贵州西南布依族苗族自治州的一个小站。

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