If the loan contract affiliated to this Contract has to be abridged, amended, or revised, both parties shall negotiate to amend and revise this Contract in line with the provisions of the loan contract.
本股权质押项下的贷款合同如有修改、补充而影响本质押合同时,双方应协商修改、补充本质押合同,使其与股权质押项下贷款合同规定相一致。 |
If the local variable declaration includes multiple declarators, the initializers must all have the same compile-time type.
如果局部变量声明包含了多个声明符,这些声明符必须具备同样的编译期类型。 |
If the loss or damage to the goods is caused by the intentional act or fault of the insured, or arising from inherent vice or normal loss of the insured goods or delay in transit, or falling under the liability of the consignor, the insurance company is n
如果货物的损失或损坏是由于投保人故意行为或过错所致,或是由于保险标的物固有的毛病和正常耗损所引起的,或是在运输途中延误,属于承运人的责任范围,那么保险公司不负责赔偿损失。 |
If the machine breaks down within a year, we will fix it free of charge.
如果这台机器在一年之内出现故障,我们将会免费维修。 |
If the machine breaks down within a year, we will fix it free of cost.
如果这台机器在一年之内出现故障,我们将会免费维修。 |
If the machine is released from safety status by turning off the safety lock, the technician is allowed to open the safety guarding system for regular maintenance .
当通过关闭安全锁机器放弃安全状态时,专业人员将被允许打开安全向导系统进行正常维护。 |
If the macula degenerates, fluid and blood from abnormal blood vessels will cause image distortion or even a shadowing effect.
如黄斑区出现病变,增生血管会渗出液体及血液,破坏黄斑区组织,令视力模糊,景物变形,甚至呈现黑影。 |
If the mage doesn't pay attention to what she's really doing ― looking beyond her mind and her life for answers ― she runs the very real risk of becoming dependent on her focus to do magic in any way, or even just to live.
如果法师不把注意力集中在她要干的事情上――搜索她的意识和生命以寻找答案――她就要冒上很大的危险,有可能只记得要放法术或者只记得要活下去。 |
If the magic community wants to survive, it will have to follow the lead of the Weasley family and not those who are trying to purge the impure.
如果巫师社会想要生存,她就必须遵照韦斯莱家的榜样行事,而不是试图清除不纯的血液。 |
If the mail is not digitally signed, you can't be sure where it came from.
如果邮件不是数字签名的,你就不能肯定邮件是从哪里来的。 |
If the mailer refuses to open a parcel for inspection, Chunghwa Post may refuse to accept the said mail item for delivery.
前项寄件人拒绝拆验时,中华邮政公司得拒绝接受该邮件。 |