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We can not save our planet by trying to revert to grandfather's technology.

We can not only provide the fuel filter shell and fittings of Beths, Audi, Boma, Faw, Santana and so on but explore other aluminium products with various shapes complying with requirements from customers. 我们既能为客户提供奔驰、奥迪、宝马、红旗、捷达、桑塔纳等车的汽油滤清器壳体及配件,也能应客户要求,为客户开发特需形状的铝质产品。
We can not pass over the matter in silence. 我们对此事不能保持缄默。
We can not predict the future. (我们预测不了未来。)
We can not pull the wool over his eyes because he does not mi a trick. (我们瞒不过他,因为他对所有的事,都很清楚。
We can not pull the wool over his eyes because he does not miss a trick. (我们瞒不过他,因为他对所有的事,都很清楚。
We can not save our planet by trying to revert to grandfather's technology. 我们不可能依靠祖宗的技术来拯救这个星球。
We can not see bacillus with eyes. 我们不能用肉眼看到细菌。
We can not speak eloquent English until we practice it hard for several years. 讲一口流利和英语需要多年的刻苦操练.
We can not succeed ourselves, but we can make others succeed. 我们自己不能成功,但能够使他人成功。
We can not surer whether his theory can stand up the test. 到目前为止我们还不能说他的理论是否经得住考验.
We can not tell the precise moment when friendship is founded, As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindness there is at last one which makes the heart run over. 我们无法讲出友谊缔造的确切时刻,就像一点一滴地倾注一个容器一样,终有一滴使容器满溢;因此,面对接二连三的好意,终有那么一次会动人心弦,情谊洋溢。

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