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Outside Xiao Guan Yuan, a mural made art immanent.

Outside Hollywood, California itself is an incubator of American slang, producing phrases such as bodacious, awesome and many more. 出了好莱坞,加州本身就造就了美国俚语的普遍,创造了胆大包天的(很棒的)、引人敬畏的以及许多其他的词汇。
Outside Hong Kong, it is threatened by destruction of habitats and timber extraction. 因生境破坏和人为砍伐,在中国的分布面积缩小。
Outside Hong Kong, the species is under threats because of destruction of the habitats and over-collection for cultivation as ornamentals. 在香港以外地区,因生境遭破坏和常被挖掘,现数量日趋减少。
Outside I scanned a redbud tree and spied the almond-shaped silhouette of the trilling bird. 我仔细查看了一棵紫荆树,窥探到一只颤声鸣叫的杏仁状的鸟儿。
Outside New York, in particular, the thin blue line can be very thin indeed. 尤其在纽约以外,警察人数确实少。
Outside Xiao Guan Yuan, a mural made art immanent. 小观园外,一陶瓷壁画,艺术无所不在。
Outside a hotel: Help! We need inn-experienced people. 酒店门外:帮帮忙!我们缺少常住小酒馆的人。
Outside a muffler shop: No appointment necessary, we hear you coming. 一家消声器店外:根本不用预约,我们听到你来了!
Outside a secondhand shop: We exchange anything - bicycles, washing machines etc. Why not bring your wife along and get a wonderful bargain? 二手货店外:我们什么都交换——自行车,洗衣机等。为什么不把您的太太带来而得到一个便宜货呢?
Outside bleak and empty; inside, bleak and empty. 院外是一片凄凉和空虚,院里也是一片凄凉和空虚。
Outside designers often create eye-catching sites that have little substance. 外面的设计者创建醒目的网站是需要小小回报的。

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