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The results showed that the extracellular products show the activities of amylase,gelatinase, lipase,casease,haemolysin,lecithinase,and chitinase but no urease activity.

The results showed that the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters Fv'/Fm', qP and ΦPSⅡdecreased with the increase of actinic light intensity, but qN and NPQ increased. 果显示,随着作用光强的增加,叶片Fv'/Fm'、qP和ΦPSⅡ呈下降趋势,qN和NPQ表现为上升。
The results showed that the colour of fresh bamboo vinegar was darker and more muddily than that of the stored bamboo vinegar. The refraction rate and acid contents of fresh bamboo vinegar were higher 0.% and .98% than that of stored one. 果表明,新鲜竹醋液的颜色较深且不透明,老化竹醋液色泽变红且透明,新鲜竹醋液的折光率、总酸含量分别较老化竹醋液高0.%和.98%,pH值老化竹醋液比新鲜竹醋液低;
The results showed that the dry matter content,protein content,fat content,pH,and titrated acid were .-.%,. -.8%,.9-7.%, .-.0,and 9 .-.0 °T,respectively,in the cottage yoghourt. 果表明:个样品的干物质、蛋白质、脂肪含量、pH值和滴定酸度分别为.% ̄.%,. % ̄.8%,.9% ̄7.%, . ̄.0和9 .°T ̄.0°T;
The results showed that the experession of EGF was positive in the important structures,such as corti's organ, acoustic maculae and ampullar crista. 果显示:耳蜗Corti's器、血管纹、位觉斑及壶腹嵴等内耳重要结构均有阳性表达;
The results showed that the extracellular products included amylase, gelatinase, lipase, casease, haemolysin, lecithinase and chitinase, but didn′t contain urease. 利用杯碟法研究了其胞外产物的性质,结果表明:其胞外产物具有淀粉酶、明胶酶、酪蛋白酶、卵磷脂酶、脂酶和几丁质酶活性以及溶血活性,其中以淀粉酶、明胶酶和酪蛋白酶的活性最强,但没有脲酶活性。
The results showed that the extracellular products show the activities of amylase,gelatinase, lipase,casease,haemolysin,lecithinase,and chitinase but no urease activity. 利用杯碟法研究了其胞外产物的性质,结果表明:其胞外产物具有淀粉酶、明胶酶、酪蛋白酶、卵磷脂酶、脂酶和几丁质酶活性以及溶血活性,其中以淀粉酶、明胶酶和酪蛋白酶的活性最强,但没有脲酶活性.
The results showed that the fermentative degree and alcohol degree of the fermented liquid of fusant HN - under the above-mentioned conditions were 9.9% and .%,respectively. 果表明:在上述条件下,发酵 d,发酵液的发酵度和酒精度分别为9.9%和.%;
The results showed that the flower bud differentiation process lasted for about months from bract primordia differentiation in mid April to carpel primordia formation in late August. 研究表明 :厚瓣金桂花芽分化从 月中旬开始分化苞片原基至 8月底心皮原基形成历时约 个月 ,其过程可分为苞片分化期、花序原基分化期、花蕾原基分化期、顶花花萼分化期、花瓣分化期、雄蕊分化期和雌蕊分化期 7个时期。
The results showed that the genus and species of primulaceae can be classified on the basis of the shape, the size, the colpus and exine sculpture of pollen grains. 果表明花粉形态、大小和萌发沟及外壁雕纹可作为属和种的分类依据。
The results showed that the jujube epicarp include the cuticle, the epidermal cells and the second epidermal cells from external to internal, but the epidermal cells and the second epidermal cells are not easy to distinguish, and there are ~ cell layers. 果表明:枣外果皮由外向内由角质层细胞、表皮细胞和亚表皮细胞组成,但表皮和亚表皮细胞不易区分,共有细胞  ̄层。
The results showed that the length of chromosomes at mitosis metaphase varied from . 0 to . 9μm,whose karyotype was typical A,and the formula of the karyotype was n = = m + sm + st. 果表明:丹参中期染色体长度为. 0~. 9μm,核型公式是n==m+sm+st,其核型为A型;

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