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US officials have warned consumers to avoid using toothpaste made in China after a shipment was found to contain a poisonous chemical used in anti-freeze.

US marshal Tony Bennet is overseeing security for the trial. 美国联邦保安官汤尼班尼特正在督导这试验的安全性。
US military also reports six soldiers were killed in roadside bombings over the weekend. 美军同时报道本周的路边炸弹袭击事件造成6名士兵死亡。
US military officials have held initial hearings for three terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay, including the alleged mastermind of the September 11 attacks on the US, the Pentagon said. 五角大楼称,美国军方在关塔那摩湾对包括被指控为9.11事件主谋的3名恐怖疑犯进行了初审。
US negotiators in Geneva say they hope to get an agreement from North Korea to declare all its nuclear facilities and to dismantle them. 美国在日内瓦的磋商代表说他们希望和朝鲜达成协议,宣布韩国所有的核设备,并且停止它们。
US newspaper companies are planning to import newsprint from China in an effort to contain one of their biggest and fastest-growing costs. 美国报业公司计划从中国进口新闻纸,以压低其比重最大、上升最快的成本之一。
US officials have warned consumers to avoid using toothpaste made in China after a shipment was found to contain a poisonous chemical used in anti-freeze. 美国当局在中国进口牙膏中发现用于防冻的有毒化学物质后,警告消费者不要使用。
US officials said the attacks included cruise missile strikes and were launched against Taliban military positions in both the capital and the southern city of Kandahar. 美国官员说这些攻击包括以巡航导弹实施的打击,并且攻击行动是针对驻守在阿首都和南部城市坎大哈的塔利班军事阵地。
US passenger carriers were expected to snap up the opportunity to fly to, or add routes to, China because international routes were more lucrative than domestic ones. 预计美国的客运航空公司会抓住这一机会,开辟飞往中国的航线,或者增加新的航线,因为国际航线比国内航线更加有利可图。
US population hits 300 million, but is it sustainable? 美国人口将突破3亿,它养得起么?
US researchers say decorated needles help calm patients fears. 美研究人员指出装饰过的针筒抚平病患的畏惧。
US retailers can help Chinese consumers get better goods and services at lower prices, just as they do for families at home. 美国零售商可以帮助中国消费者以更低的价格,获得更好的产品和服务,就像它们为本国家庭所做的那样。

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