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He watched him go till he passed over the crest and disappeared.

He watched her countenance as he drew nearer, with hope and anxiety mingled on his own. 他一边走近,一边注视着女子的面容,自己的脸上交织着希望与激动。
He watched her enter the house. 他观看到了她进入屋子。
He watched her go for a moment, then frowned just as he turned to climb the staircase to his own bedroom and separate bath. 看着她走了后,他皱起眉头站了会儿,然后上楼梯去自己的浴室。
He watched her narrowly, but plainly she was at a loss. She shook her head wonderingly. 波罗近距离自己观察玛丽的表情,但是,她如堕五里雾中,很茫然地摇了摇头。
He watched her suffering with clinical detachment. 他冷静客观地看著她遭受的痛苦.
He watched him go till he passed over the crest and disappeared. 他看着前面的人远去,直至消没在山顶后面。
He watched his little friend until it was out of sight. 他看着他的小鸟朋友直到再也看不到痕迹。
He watched his woods filled up with snow. 他眼看着他的树林渐渐被雪覆盖。
He watched the baby crawl across the room. 他看着婴儿从房间这边爬到那边。
He watched the boat drift downstream. 他看著船向下游漂去。
He watched the game from his perch on top of the wall. 他在墙头居高临下看比赛.

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