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Architectural Bionics is one of headspring of architectural innovation.

Architect: You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed - its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated. 设计师:你能来到这里,是因为锡安城即将被摧毁--它的每一个居民将被消灭,它将被连根拔除.
Architected in a limited allocated space, Sweet home is intended to exhibit American homemaking for recreating various life scenes that reflect linguistically, culturally and more truthfully the sweet American home. 构筑于有限的指定空间,甜美家园旨在展示美国家居,以重塑各种生活情形,在语言上、文化上更真实地反映美国美好家园。
Architects have known about this phenomenon for many years. 建筑师很多年前就认识到这个现象。
Architects plan to incorporate other safety features as well. 建筑师还规划了其他的安全设计。
Architects, city planers, and other form makers are acknowledged to be competent in making space allocations, but there is no single group of professionals responsible for designing time-worlds. 建筑师、城市规划者,以及其他各种形式缔造者都被认为是有足够的能力进行空间的分配,却没有任何职业的组织负责设计时间世界。
Architectural Bionics is one of headspring of architectural innovation. 建筑仿生是建筑创新的源泉之一。
Architectural Design; Residential District Planning. 建筑设计、居住小区规划设计。
Architectural Interior design is inevitably associated with both the spaceand skin. 建筑与室内设计,必然同时涉及“空间”与“表皮”两个部分。
Architectural design is an activity which requires many participants to integrate and manage a large volume of information. 摘要建筑设计是一种多人参与的整合与处理大量资料的活动,而藉由设计表现以达沟通之模式是设计团队合作必要的条件。
Architectural education deportment should reconsider the educational ideology, which is market-oriented now, and the basic aim of education, to foster the student that not only has knowledge on technology but also is sensitive on emotion, tough on will. 建筑教育应当对于目前“以市场为导向”的器用价值观和培养目标进行反思,有意识地培养在知识、情智和意志方面都能有全面发展的学生。
Architectural language is adopted to express the special function of the AP-MCSTA Headquarters Building for aviation and space flight. 摘要用建筑的语言表述亚太空间合作组织总部大厦航空、航天、航宇的内在特质。

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