From psychology, Schema Theory expatiates readers' psychological schema during their reading, and Contextual Theory investigates from the perspective of pragmatics the effect of context on reading comprehension. |
中文意思: 前者从心理学入手描述阅读者在阅读过程中的心理图式;后者从语用学入手研究语境对阅读理解的影响。 |
From plot trail, we proved that it could improve the tomato quality to Trans-plant seedlings into bowl with nutrition and make tomato yield increase by 9.73% extraordinarily.
摘要小区试验表明,使用营养钵育苗移栽可以促进番茄的生长发育,番茄产量增加9.73%,增产效果显著。 |
From pomegranate to blueberry, fruit-based drinks have become the latest must-haves in the burgeoning market for healthy foods.
从石榴到蓝莓,果汁饮料已成为蓬勃发展的健康食品市场必备的新宠。 |
From poster design, promotional leaflet, envelope, letter, namecard or even a book, with our proficiency to cope with the actual needs of our customers, customers' satisfaction can easily be achieved.
由海报设计、宣传单张、信封、信纸、名片以至书刊,以我们专业的意见配合客户的实际要求,务求令你称心满意。 |
From primary school to college, bound to the teacher-centered, exam-oriented education, they are always encouraged to obey teachers' instructions, but discouraged to argue with teachers about what is being taught, let alone to form their own original idea
从小学到大学,都是以教师为中心的应试教育,总是鼓励学生听老师的话,反对学生与老师就讲授的内容进行争论,更不要说形成学生自己独特的思想了。 |
From protection against enemies to social security to sonic booms, insurance has come a long way.
从保证不受敌人侵犯,到社会安全,到声爆,保险业走过了一条长长的路。 |
From psychology, Schema Theory expatiates readers' psychological schema during their reading, and Contextual Theory investigates from the perspective of pragmatics the effect of context on reading comprehension.
前者从心理学入手描述阅读者在阅读过程中的心理图式;后者从语用学入手研究语境对阅读理解的影响。 |
From publishing companies on this street came love songs, sad songs and silly songs.
从这条街上的出版公司出版了爱情歌曲,忧伤歌曲,及浮燥歌曲。 |
From radio, television, and three levels of magazines, to websites, satellites, and even cell phones, learning English can be fun. STAY TUNED. There is more to come!
从广播、电视和3本教学程度不同的杂志,到网站、卫星甚至手机,学英文可以很有趣。别走开,还有更多有趣内容等着你喔! |
From rainbows glistening in curtains of tumbling water droplets, to echoing rooms steeped in a single saturated color, to reverse waterfalls and walk-through kaleidoscopes, these are marvels of optics, sound, smell and touch.
从垂直宣泄而下的水滴帘幕里闪耀的彩虹,到饱满单一色彩浸透的回音室,到颠倒的瀑布和可以徒步穿过的万花筒,都极尽视觉、声音、味觉、触觉之妙。 |
From reports, the Command and Control at scene appeared to be in a wait mode or perplexed state until the ACC was functional.
从报告上来看,现场的指挥调度在机场指挥中心发挥功能以前,似乎有些迟缓或是不知所措。 |
From river raftingiin Honduras andielephant poloiin Thailandito snowboardingiin Chile andisurfingiin Costa Rica, SI has gone global this yearifor an action sports adventure with theiworld's most beautiful women.
从洪都拉斯河流上的竹筏和泰国的大象马球赛到智利滑雪板运动和哥斯达黎加的海上冲浪,《SI》今年已经走向全球,和世界上最美丽的女人一起运动历险。 |