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Even after making generous assumptions, we determined that the maximum temperature reached in carbonaceous-chondrite asteroids with a diameter of 80 kilometers or more would be only 670 degrees C, too low to cause any melting at all.

Even after his coctor told him he had lung cancer,Chichester would not give up his old dream of sailing round the world. 甚至在他的医生告诉他患有肺癌之后,奇切斯特仍不肯放弃环球航行的宿愿。
Even after his divorce from the Rockets, Francis remained in contact with Yao, his teammate for two seasons. 在他被火箭送走后,姚明和他保持了2个赛季的密切关系。
Even after his doctor told him that he had got lung cancer, Chichester still insisted on completing his long-cherished wish-traveling around the world. 甚至在他的医生告诉他患有肺癌之后,奇切斯特仍不肯放弃环球航行地夙愿。
Even after individual's name, the time of death, and death condition on the DEATH NOTE were filled out, the time and condition of death can be altered as many times as you want, as long as it is changed within 6 minutes and 40 seconds from the time it was 纵使在死亡笔记上写上名字,死亡的时间和死亡的状况之后,如果是6分40秒之内的话,把死亡的时间和死亡的状况更改多少次也可以。
Even after listening to his explanation I'm none the wiser. 我即便听了他的解释, 仍然不明白.
Even after making generous assumptions, we determined that the maximum temperature reached in carbonaceous-chondrite asteroids with a diameter of 80 kilometers or more would be only 670 degrees C, too low to cause any melting at all. 即使给予很宽松的假设,我们认为直径在80公里或以上的碳质球粒陨石小行星,达到的最高温度只有670℃,不足以造成任何的熔化。
Even after meeting only once, they felt a kinship. 他们虽然只见了一面,但已是一见如故了。
Even after paying all the expenses, we'll still be 100 in pocket. 即使扣除所有费用, 我们仍能赚100英镑.
Even after racking his brains he couldn't think of a single example. 即使绞尽脑汁,他还是连一个例子也想不出来。
Even after she left the family, Mary Blaikie remained a close friend of Kipling. 即使玛丽·布莱基离开了吉卜林家,她和吉卜林一直保持着良好的朋友关系。
Even after slaving the whole day over a hot stove, she would be bathed and powdered when he returned from work. 甚至在整天在一个热的火炉之上拼命工作之后,当他从工作返回了的时候,她会被沭浴而且搽粉于。

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