Hexadecimal values can be used to display non-standard letters and characters in browsers and plug-ins.
16进制数值可以被用来显示一些在浏览器和插件中非标准的字母和字符。 |
Hexagon is to be calm, sensible, solid volume and a sense of honesty and credibility symbol enterprises, it says.
以正六边形的镇静、理智、稳固和体积感,象征企业诚实可信,良性发展。 |
Hexagon signs the overall image is symbolic of knowing, benevolent, trust, justice, loyalty, andSix Virtues : Han Xin petrochemical perfect embodiment of the quality and lofty pursuit of noble ideas.
标志整体形象为正六边形,象征“知、仁、信、义、忠、和”六德:体现瀚鑫石化完美的品质、高远的追求、崇高的理念。 |
Hexahedral Cube is consisted of 8 colorful cubes.
立体魔方是由8个色彩艳丽的立体魔方组成。 |
Hexahedral Puzzle Cubes is a very interesting educational game product, and it not only trains children's coordination of hands and eyes, but also is helpful for fostering their power of organization and thinking.
立体拼图是一款有趣的益智游戏产品,除了可以训练孩子们的手眼协调,还可以培养他们的组织能力和思考能力。 |
Hexarchy-theory (Any player may play 5 life to counter this spell, you may pay 5 life to counter this ability.
六国论(任何玩家可以支付5点生命以反击此咒语,你可以再支付5点生命以反击此异能。 |
Hexavalent chromium as an anti-corrosion of the carbon steel cooling system in absorption refrigerators.
在吸收式电冰箱中作为碳钢冷却系统防腐剂的六价铬。 |
Hexavalent chromium in corrosion preventive coatings of unpainted metal sheetings and fasteners used for corrosion protection and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding in equipment falling under category three of Directive 2002/96/EC (IT and telecommunic
用于防腐或屏蔽电磁干扰,涂在特定仪器设备中(欧盟指令2002/96/EC条款3规定为IT和电信设备)的金属片或金属扣件上防腐涂层中的六价铬。 |
Hexavalent chromium in corrosive preventive coatings of unpainted metal sheetings and fasteners used for corrosion protection and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding in equipment falling under category three of Directive 2002/96/EC (IT and telecommunic
金属板防腐蚀涂层、防腐蚀牢固剂及第2002/96/EC号指令中第三类设备的电磁干扰屏障所含的六价铬。 |
Hexiangxi English Corner together with Qianpu EC held a Christmas Party at JinBang Park, more than 40 people joined us.
我们与前埔EC联合,共同组织了一场圣诞晚会,超过40个朋友参加我们的晚会。 |
Hexion Specialty Chemicals, an American chemicals group, is the wld's largest producer of thermosetting resins, comming strategic positions across various end-markets geographies.
瀚森化工集团是美国的一家化学集团,是世界上最大的热固性树脂生产商,在不同的终极市场和地域里都享有战略优势。 |