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Abstract:Six methods for making preparation of chromosomes of spiders,including gonad slice technique,testis squash technique,single embry drop technique,mix embryo-cells drop technique,blood cell drop technique and single embryo-cell squash technique,are

Abstract:In this paper,Triple Test Cross Design was used in studing the resistance of soybean to 10 physiological race of Cercospora Sojina Haraby inoculation.Results o analysis of gene effects of resistance indicated that additive effect is significant i 摘要本实验利用三点测交分析的方法,对3个组合在人工接种大豆灰斑病菌的条件下的抗性表现进行基因效应分析,各组合均存在加性,组合1存在显性,组合2、3存在上位性。
Abstract:In view of the disadvantages of the commonly used prophylactic repair mode for such power equipments as generators and transformers, the significance of developing state monitoring and fault diagnosis technique is analyzed, and the stateofthea 摘要:针对发电机、变压器类电力设备普遍采用的预防性定期检修方式所存在的弊端,分析了发展状态监测和故障诊断技术的意义,并对该技术在国内外的发展现状和存在问题进行了介绍。
Abstract:Need to treat distimctively for dissimilarty circs about the rural highway's design. 摘要:山区公路的超高设计有必要针对具体的情况区别处理。
Abstract:On the base of the trans-vector control theory, a frequency conversion and variable speed control system grounded on DSP is presented in this paper, as well as its hardware and software.The design flow of both is given in paper too. 摘要:文章根据矢量变换控制理论,介绍了一种基于数字信号处理(DSP)的变频调速控制系统的硬件及软件实现方法,并给出了系统的硬件和软件控制流程。
Abstract:Plant responses to salt stress via a complex mechanism,including sensing and transducing the stress signal,activating the transcription factors and the corresponding metabolizing genes.Since the whole mechanism is still unclear,this review emphas 摘要植物对盐胁迫的耐受反应是个复杂的过程,在分子水平上它包括对外界盐信号的感应和传递,特异转录因子的激活和下游控制生理生化应答的效应基因的表达.在生化应答中,本文着重讨论负责维持和重建离子平衡的膜转运蛋白、渗调剂的生物合成和功能及水分控制.这些生理生化应答最终使得液泡中离子浓度升高和渗调剂在胞质中积累.近年来,通过对各种盐生植物或盐敏感突变株的研究,阐明了许多盐应答的离子转运途径、水通道和物种特异的渗调剂代谢途径,克隆了其相关基因并能在转基因淡水植物中产生耐盐表型;另一方面,在拟南芥突变体及利用酵母盐敏感
Abstract:Six methods for making preparation of chromosomes of spiders,including gonad slice technique,testis squash technique,single embry drop technique,mix embryo-cells drop technique,blood cell drop technique and single embryo-cell squash technique,are 摘要概述了蜘蛛染色体制片的6种方法:生殖巢切片法、精巢压片法、单胚滴片法、混合胚滴片法、血细胞制片法和单一胚胎压片法,并总结分析了蜘蛛目15科22属27种染色体核型。
Abstract:Sixteen genetic traits were investigated in Han and Dong nationalities of Hunan Province.The frequencies of all the sixteen genetic traits and the gene frequencies of fourteen genetic traits except hand-clasping and arm-folding were calculated.Th 摘要本文对湖南汉族、侗族的16对遗传性状进行了调查.计算出了每对性状的出现率及除扣手和交叉臂外的14对遗传性状的基因频率,分析了民族间和性别间的差异,同时还分析了惯用手、扣手、交叉臂之间的关系。
Abstract:The Huizhou ancient village and Shuikou Garden are chosen as the research target to analyze the causes of origin of cultural landscape from the aspects of their pattern, water system, and humanistic landscape on the basis of the study of geomancy 摘要:以徽州古村落及其水口园林为研究目标,通过对宗氏族谱、方志等记载的历史上相关风水选址活动的探究,结合大量的实例参照与图例的比对,对其村落格局、水系、人文景观等文化积淀的成因进行深层次的分析。
Abstract:The article introduced a grinding method and principle of the journal of crankshaft connecting rod. 摘要:本文简述了一种正在兴起的曲轴连杆轴颈的磨削方法和原理。
Abstract:The author makes a comment on the connotations and significances of the social revolutionism in Russia, including a correction of village community socialism by the social revolutionism and a sublation of the slavism and autocracy by the people a 本文对俄国的“社会革命主义”的内涵和意义作了评述,包括了社会革命主义对“村社社会主义”的修正,对斯拉夫主义和“人民专制”论的扬弃,以及如何从民粹主义到马克思主义。
Abstract:The author presents mainly several latest technologies which are representative and tendency in current newspaper printing and sts out relevant firms and products being leading status. 张选生发表于2006-1-2612:00:16摘要:本文主要介绍了目前报业印刷中具有代表性和趋势性的几种新技术,并列举了处于领先地位的相关厂商及产品。

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