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We are old-school thrashing black fucking metal!!!

We are of the same build. 我们的身材一样。
We are off work now, you can call us after half past one PM, our sales clerk will help you with your problem. 我们已经下班了,你在一点半后再打电话过来,我们的跟单员会为你解决你碰到的问题.
We are offering a second contest! 除了命名竞赛,我们还安排了材料竞赛。
We are old friends, not strangers, right? 我们是老朋友了,不是陌生人,是吗?
We are old friends. Please don't hesitate to speak out your mind. 都是老朋友了,有什么就说什么,不用顾虑。
We are old-school thrashing black fucking metal!!! 我们是老式敲击黑暗混账金属!!!
We are on a continuum of development. 每个人都是持续发展的。
We are on a friendly footing with them. 我们跟他们有友善的交情。
We are on good terms with our neighbors. 我们与邻居和睦相处。
We are on good terms. 我们关系很好。
We are on just grounds in carrying out this tit-for-tat policy. 实行这样的针锋相对的政策,我们是有理由的。

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