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Hydromedusae and Siphonophora in western waters of Taiwan Island during winter and spring

The Adherence Characteristic of Pili in Avian Strains of Escherichia coli 禽大肠杆菌菌毛粘附特性的研究
The Breeding Ecology and Nest Habitat Selection of Azure Winged Magpie ( Cyanopica cyana ) I.The Breeding Ecology. 灰喜鹊的繁殖生态和巢位选择Ⅰ.繁殖生态
Ecdysteroids from the Roots of Serratula chinensis 华麻花头根中的蜕皮甾酮类成分(英文)
Uniform Design for Extraction of Brownish red Pigment from Lycium Chinese 均匀设计法提取枸杞棕红色素
Preparation and screening of anti-endotoxin IgY in vitro 鸡抗内毒素卵黄抗体IgY的制备
Hydromedusae and Siphonophora in western waters of Taiwan Island during winter and spring 台湾西部海域冬春季的水螅水母类和管水母类
Identification of the Genetic Interaction Between OsMY1 and OsRacD from Oryza sativa.L 水稻OsMY1和OsRacD基因互作的分子鉴定
Construction of Ag85B DNA vaccine for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its immunogenicities 结核分支杆菌Ag85B DNA疫苗的构建及其免疫作用的研究
Different Lumbar Fusion Methods for Management of Instability ofLower Lumbar Spine: A Biomechanical Study in Vitro 下腰椎不稳融合术式的生物力学评价
Technical Innovation and Development of Industrial Biotechnology——Special Preface of China Summit Forum on Industrial Biotechnology Development·2008 工业生物技术创新与发展——“中国工业生物技术发展高峰论坛·2008”专刊序言
The Present Situation and Protection of Shinisaurus crocodilurus 鳄蜥的现状与保护

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