Regardless of area, regardless of background.
不论区域,不论背景。 |
Regardless of concerns over the selection process, however, it seems that the prize will continue to survive both as an indicator of the literature that we most highly praise, and as an elusive goal that writers seek.
不论对选举过程有怎样的意见,这个奖项仍将作为我们极看重的一个文学风标和作家们梦寐以求的目标而存在。 |
Regardless of how separate we seem to be we are all joined as a unified oneness in one mind.
尽管我们认为我们是分离的个体,在心灵的层次,我们事实上是一体。 |
Regardless of how the complexes accumulate, they spell trouble.
无论这些复合体是如何累积的,都会引起麻烦。 |
Regardless of its power source, the auto in the future will still be the main problem in urban traffic congestion.
无论采用何种能源,未来的汽车仍将是城市交通的一个主要问题。 |
Regardless of living a secluded life in a mountain, or immerging in an ancient temple, if it is an uneasy heart,it can not calm down.
一颗燥动的心,无论幽居于深山,还是隐没在古刹,都无法安静下来。 |
Regardless of size or scope, the single biggest mistake I see managers make over and over is trying to make their sites do too many different kinds of things.
这其中无论是多大尺度或是多大规模的网站,通常会犯的一个错误就是:网站所提供的内容和服务种类太多太多了,缺乏目的性。 |
Regardless of the Joey Barton injury blow, the Newcastle United career of Kieron Dyer looks to be drawing to a close, with three clubs now rumoured to be interested in signing him.
不管乔伊·巴顿正在受伤病的打击,但基隆·代尔的纽卡斯尔生涯貌似要结束了,现在正有3家俱乐部感兴趣签下他。 |
Regardless of the angle at which the tip of the stick hits the opponent's body, any thrust into the opponent is an angle five strike.
不管是哪个角度,只要是用棍的一端刺击对手的身体,都属于角度5的攻击。 |
Regardless of the collar style you choose for your puppy, remember to attach an identification tag listing your puppy's name, your address and phone number.
无论你选择什么样的,请记得在上面挂一个标牌注明狗狗的名字,你的地址和电话。 |
Regardless of the etiology for restrictive lung diseases, many eventually lead to extensive fibrosis.
此处不考虑限制性肺病的病原学,许多最终发生了广泛的纤维化。 |