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Among the biggest success of this movie, we'll never forget a group of wonderful bad guys, guided by their libido as much as their thirst for money.

Among the aristocratic forces in the world, then, one should include the other dominant nation-states in addition to the United States, but also non-state forces such as the major capitalist corporations, the international institutions such as the United 至于世界上的贵族式力量,我们应该将美国之外的其他强势国家纳入其内,但我们也不应忘记那些非国家性力量,如重要的资本主义公司,诸如联合国之类的国际机构,诸如世界银行、国际货币基金之类的超国家经济组织,以及其他一些强势力量。
Among the array of promising prospects under development is an old-time remedy for the menopause. 目前人们正在开发的一种用于更年期妇女的古老药物具有良好的市场前景。
Among the avant-garde playwrights, Lin Zhaohua and Meng Jug hui are most impressive. 在先锋试验的潮流中,以林兆华、孟京辉的探索最引人注目。
Among the beneficiaries are companies that issue investment-grade debt. 介于诸多受惠者中的是发行了投资级债务的公司。
Among the big names at the event were Wang Lee Hom, Jolin Tsai, Joey Yung, Nicholas Tse, and Malaysia's Fish Leong and Penny Tai. 大牌中有王力宏、蔡依林、容祖儿、谢霆锋和马来西亚的梁静茹和戴佩妮。
Among the biggest success of this movie, we'll never forget a group of wonderful bad guys, guided by their libido as much as their thirst for money. 在这部大获成功的作品中,我们永远无法忘记那群受到生理欲望和金钱饥渴的驱使的精彩的坏蛋。
Among the biological effects, radiation carcinogenesis is the most worrying problem. 摘要在游离辐射的生物效应中,最为大众所疑虑的当属辐射的致癌效应。
Among the blind the one-eyed man is King. 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。
Among the celebrated pantheon of Hollywood royalty, few are as well-respected and universally adored as Gregory Peck. 在好莱坞名人中,很少有人像格利高里·派克这样广受崇敬。
Among the cirrhotic group, 29 were macronodular type (evidently nodular surface was noted in 22 of them) and 3 were micronodular. 超音波扫描显示结节状肝表面图像于20位粗结节型患者;3位细结节型皆仅呈现不规则之表面。
Among the cities darkened were New York, Detroit Michigan and Cleveland Ohio. 发生断电的城市有纽约、密歇里根州的底特律和俄亥俄州的克利夫兰。

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