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Now we're going to pleat the backside.

Now we'll be serving drinks.Please pull down your tary table. 我们马上要供应饮料了。请放下您的小桌板。
Now we'll end up with some fruit. 现在我们最后吃一点水果。
Now we'll learn about. 现在我们将会学习关于的事。
Now we'll see how this situation would be handled according to each genre. ――当然与不同音乐类型是不一样的啦。
Now we're going live to our reporter in Moscow for up-to-the-minute news on the situation there. 现在我们要现场跟踪我们的记者到莫斯科,看看当地形势的最新消息.
Now we're going to pleat the backside. 现在我们将要开始制作背后的褶。
Now we're going to practise it some more. 现在我们将(就减法)再做一些练习。
Now we're heading in that direction. 现在我们就正往那边赶呢。
Now we've added a skin chooser that lets you drop in user-created textures and enable them in the multiplayer game. 现在我们增加了一个外表选择让你能选用自创的皮肤,并能在多人游戏里使用。
Now we've burned our bridges behind us and we have no option but to go forward with the project. 现在我们已经破釜沉舟了,除了按计划前进外,别无选择。
Now we've got a foot in the door, we are hoping to open up a big market in China. 现在我们已打开门路,我们希望在中国开辟一个广阔的市场。

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