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The resulting protein had biological activity in promoting the neurite outgrowth of cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons from E9 chicken in concentration of 50 ng/ml.
用 9日龄鸡胚背根神经节测定生物活性 ,rh BDNF活性为 5 0 ng/ml。

The Practice and Consideration of Bilingual Teaching for Microbiology in Agricultural University 农业院校微生物学双语教学的实践与探索
The Practice and Realization of 306kA Cell 306kA电解槽的实践与体会
The result showed as follows:by raising the concentrations of antioxidative components and antiphenolic compounds(2% β-ME,2% PVP-40,20 mmol/L Na2S2O5),the purity of the extracted genomic DNA was higher. 结果表明,适当提高抗氧化、抗酚类物质的浓度(2%β-巯基乙醇,2%PVP-40,20 mmol/LNa2S2O5),提取的基因组DNA纯度较高;
The result showed the highest cell density was 9.3×1012cfu/ml after three times culture. 乳酸菌经过三次更换新鲜培养基的发酵培养之后,乳酸杆菌的菌体密度可达9.3×1012cfu/ml。
The result shows that 3,240 SSRs (longer than 15 bp, 80% matches) were found within 2,387 genes. 结果表明,该病原菌的2,378个基因的编码区中共分布有3,240个SSR序列(标准是15 bp以上,匹配值为80%)。
The resulting protein had biological activity in promoting the neurite outgrowth of cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons from E9 chicken in concentration of 50 ng/ml. 用 9日龄鸡胚背根神经节测定生物活性 ,rh BDNF活性为 5 0 ng/ml。
The results indicate that cultivate on the table, the MT3-MMP expression amount is high when cells were induced by adding 0.5 mM IPTG for four hours when the cell density reached an A600 of 0.3-0.4. The inclusion bodies were purified through washing. 实验表明,采用摇床上培养时,MT3-MMP表达的最佳实验条件为:开始诱导时的菌体密度OD600=0.3—0.4; 诱导时间为4小时,IPTG浓度为0.5mM时,目的蛋白表达量较高。
The results indicated that TNPG was expressed efficiently in prokaryotic cell BL-21. The expression products were 40.8 ku confluent protein and account for 22.8% of the whole proteins. 结果表明:TNPG在原核表达菌BL-21中获得了高效表达,表达产物为40.8ku的融合蛋白,表达量达到菌体总蛋白的22.8%。
The results indicated that genes Yr2, Yr3a, Yr4a, Yr6, Yr7, Yr9, Yr26, Yr27, and YrSD, either singly or in combinations, were postulated in 72 genotypes, whereas known resistance genes were not identified in the other 26 accessions. 苗期基因推导结果表明,Yr2、Yr3α、Yr4α、Yr6、Yr7、Yr9、Yr26、Yr27和YrSD等9个基因以单独或组合形式存在于72个品种中,在另外26个品种中没有发现已知抗病基因;
The results show that the thin film have a pseudo-cubic perovskite structure with the cell parameter a=3.861nm,have a good epitaxial direction and smooth surface. 结果表明,薄膜为赝立方钙钛矿结构,晶胞参数为a=3.861 nm,具有良好的单晶外延结构和光滑的表面。
The results showed that relative slow feeding rate (0.01 L·h~(-1)and 0.02 L·h~(-1)) promoted the cell 其中,0.01 L·h~(-1)的葡萄糖流加速率的菌体干重和酶活分别达到23.5 g·L~(-1)和5.28 u·ml~(-1),与控制pH值的分批发酵过程相比,菌体干重提高了8.05%,酶活提高了30.05%。

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