Since the 1960s, furthermore, the high-strung regional situation and the radical policy of Sukarno became a critical challenge to Johnson administration.
进入1960年代后,高度紧张的地区局势与苏加诺激进政策更是构成了对约翰逊政府政治与决策资源的挑战。 |
Since the 1960s, many talented white musicians have chosen blues music as their primary vehicle of expression - using as their models the great black players of the past and present.
自20世纪60年代起,许多具有天赋的白人音乐家开始选用蓝调风格为他们首选的艺术载体,就像他们的黑人同行们一样--不论是过去的还是当时的。 |
Since the 1960s, the Swedish Defense Research Institution (FOA) has educated hospital doctors, mostly surgeons and psychiatrists, regarding brain transmitters and bio-medical telemetry.
自从20世纪60年代,瑞典国防研究机构(FOA)曾培训医院医生,主要是外科医生和精神病学医师,关于大脑信号传输器和生物医学遥感监测。 |
Since the 1970s, doctors have routinely listened to fetal heartbeats despite no real evidence that it did any good.
1970年以来,医生们常规听取胎儿心音,尽管没有确凿证据表明这有什么好处。 |
Since the 1970s, it has been the primary supplier of nuclear services and technology to Pakistan, including enriched uranium and a working bomb design in addition to some nuclear reactors.
自1970年以来,实际上他们一直是主要供应者在核技术及服务领域向巴基斯坦出售包括浓缩铀和以及制造核弹的设计技术等。 |
Since the 1970s, it has begun enrolling postgraduates with the Master's degree and doctoral students and established the postdoctoral research station.
自70年代开始招收硕士、博士研究生、并设有博士后流动站。 |
Since the 1970s, scholars have been discussing psychotherapy integration because of the deficiencies of various psychotherapies.
摘要从20世纪70年代后,人们开始探讨心理疗法的整合问题。 |
Since the 1980s, supermodel Elle Macpherson (left) has been dubbed The Body for her statuesque figure – and she's even used the name in her skincare and lingerie lines.
上世纪80年代以来,澳大利亚超级名模埃勒·麦克弗森(左)以其雕像般优美的身材获得了“完美身躯”的昵称,她甚至还把这个名字用在了自己的护肤品和内衣产品上。 |
Since the 1980s, the Bunuyao farmers in Guangxi have changed their old way of producing corns as the means of livelihood to the new breeding industry and cash-crop growing.
摘要20世纪80年代以来,广西布努瑶族农民打破了旧的以玉米种植为主的生计方式,转向新型的养殖业和经济作物种植业,这一生计方式的转变,使其文化特质由定居转向流动。 |
Since the 1980s, the authoritarian system depended by the People's Action Party for a long time has been faced a challenge, which advance the Singaporle's political democratic process.
但进入20世纪80年代以后,人民行动党长期以来形成的赖以治国的威权模式面临挑战,这一挑战促使新加坡政治民主进程得到较大幅度的推进。 |
Since the 1990's, they have made and printed cartons of all kinds.
是山东省指定的印刷商标单位,有完整的商检手续。 |