The commanding orders of Il Metronomo, regulating the play and traffic in midfield.
阿尔贝蒂尼出任米兰中场指挥官,组织有序,调度有节,一切都按照熟悉的节奏有条不紊地运行。 |
The commandos conceived a complicated plan to rescue the kidnapped diplomat.
突击队想出一个复杂的计划来拯救被绑架的外交官。 |
The commandos made a lightning strike behind enemy lines and destroyed the radar station.
突击队员在敌后来了一个突然袭击。摧毁了雷达站。 |
The commands Attention and Halt are only one word.
立正和稍息的口令只有一个字。 |
The commands available are given here in alphabetical order.
下面以字母次序给出可以使用的命令。 |
The commemoration here is taking place in the shadow of Thai marine police boat which was lifted up by the tsunami and dumped hundreds of metres inland.
纪念仪式在泰国海上警卫船附近举行的,该船曾被海啸冲起,并被推到数百米之遥的陆地上。 |
The commencement exercises will take place outdoors, unless it rains.
除非下雨,毕业典礼将在室外举行。 |
The commencement of this year will be better.
今年的开始将会更好。 |
The commendatory and textual research in Chinese traditional academic research and Western Hermerneutik are the different disciplinary and literature research techniques which have been produced in different cultural systems and historical contexts, which
摘要中国传统学术研究中的考据与评注之学与西方阐释学是产生于不同文化体系与历史语境中的文学研究方法与学科,两者都关注文本的解释,并且都建立了独立的注解与阐释理论体系。 |
The comment put forward an idea that without the intellectuals the revolution would not win; to grabthe intellectuals; to remold the intellectuals.
提出没有知识分子,革命就不能胜利的思想;“抢夺”知识分子的思想;改造知识分子的思想等。 |
The commentary gives information on the mechanism, the stereochemistry, or on the thermodynamic data of the reaction.
注解给出了反应机制、立体化学、或者热力学数据的信息。 |