Emotions are infectious; why not spread happiness, joy and love?
情感是有感染力的,为什么不播撒幸福,快乐和爱的种子呢? |
Emotions are like events to you, and you have the ability to categorize them well.
感情事件时常会发生在你的身边,你有能力去很好地处理他们。 |
Emotions are seldom swayed by argument.
情绪很少受论证的影响。 |
Emotions change especially rapidly during the teenage years.
情绪高低起伏在青少年时期的变化尤其快速。 |
Emotions/mind: sedative, elevating, warming, used for anxiety, apprehension, fears, nervous tension and stress-related conditions. it slows down and deepens the breath, which makes it helpful for meditation.
情绪/头脑:镇静,振奋,热身,用作治疗焦虑,忧惧,恐惧,神经紧张和高血压状况,使之慢下来,加深呼吸,帮助静心。 |
Empathic Transfer. You absorb others' hurts.
伤痛转移:吸收他人所受的伤害。 |
Empathic to souls, he can consume fresh souls to heal, bond them to share damage and animate souls of his dead brethren into corpses to fight by his side.
他会与灵魂共鸣,能耗用新鲜的灵魂来治愈自己,也能连结灵魂来分摊伤害,同时可以将和他一样死去同伴的魂体实体化来为他而战。 |
Empathy >1 point bonus to your Charisma attribute per skill level.
怜悯》每技能等级增加1点魅力属性加成。 |
Empathy is an effective tool to use when dealing with conflict in a team.
在处理团队内的冲突中换位思考是一种有效的工具。 |
Empathy is for nerds. You can help your best buddy, under certain circumstances. Everyone else is on his own.
富于同情心的男孩令人讨厌,被人轻视。男孩在个别情况下可以帮助他的死党,而对其他人则不能轻易伸出援助之手。 |
Empathy only because I love and feel for people too much I guess.
同情!仅仅因为我觉得自己对人们有太多的爱与同情。 |