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They are already gainfully employed, and they know what good Rotary does in the world.

They are all voluntary workers. 【他们都是自愿的义工。】
They are all vultures round the bedside of the dying millionaire. 他们都是围拢在将要去世的百万富翁床边的贪心人。
They are all wounded in battle. 他们都在战役中受伤了。
They are allowed to talk in the classroom after class. 课后他们被允许在教室谈话。
They are almost all newcomers except me. 除了我他们大部分都是新来者。
They are already gainfully employed, and they know what good Rotary does in the world. 他们已经上班赚钱,并且他们知道扶轮为世界所做的好事。
They are already planning to staff the management in the event the joint venture is formed. 他们已经在打算合资企业一旦建成后经理部门的人事安排。
They are also a good way to test if a local market for oil exists. 他们也是一个测试是否有本地燃油市场存在的很好的方法。
They are also among the most popular events for spectators. 同时,这两项比赛也最受观众们欢迎。
They are also better able to limit the influence of gangs and thus to prevent bullying, sexual assaults and venereal disease. 此外,私立监狱更加有助于限制帮派势力,防止监狱内恐吓、性侵犯行为和性病的传播。
They are also employed to determine the density of gasoline. Kerosene, vegetable oil and petroleum ether. 轻于水的,用以测定甲醇、乙醇、乙醚等水溶液;以及汽油、煤油、植物油、石油醚等液体之密度。

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