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Whenever he flatters your generosity,he will certainly have an axe to grind.

Whenever foods are prepared, salt is there to bring out their taste. 哪里有伤痛,盐就在那里清洗、防腐。
Whenever freeing the structured element (which in turn contains the pointer to dynamically allocated memory location), first traverse to the child memory location and start freeing from there, traversing back to the parent node. 当释放结构体成员的内存时(这个结构体有成员指针指向动态分配的内存),要先把子内存区域释放掉,再释放父内存区域。
Whenever he comes in late his wife cross-examines him about where he has spent the evening. 每逢他晚归,他的妻子总要追问他晚上到哪里去了.
Whenever he comes in late his wife cross-examines him about where he's spent the evening. 每逢他晚归, 妻子总要追问他晚上到哪里去了.
Whenever he flatters your generosity, he will certainly have an ax to grind. 每当他赞扬你的慷慨大方时,他就一定要有什么目的了。
Whenever he flatters your generosity,he will certainly have an axe to grind. 每当他赞扬你的慷慨大方时,他就一定是有什么企图了。
Whenever he grew tired of his constant travels and returned home, he would unfailingly argue with his family, though they always resolved their differences at the end. 寅大部份时间都在旅途中,他偶尔鸟倦回家,但总与家人大吵,然后又和好如初。
Whenever he is asked to speak to a group, he gets butterflies in the stomach. 只要请他向众人说话,他就非常紧张了。
Whenever he started to get discouraged.... 每当他开始感到气馁的时候。。。。。
Whenever he was stumped for what to say, which appeared to be often, he'd opt for the latter phrase, with winning results. 每次当他被绊住,不知道要讲什么的时候,他就会选择说后一句短语,并获得不错的反映.这种情况好象还经常发生.
Whenever he went home to Yilan, he rode the train just like a commoner,Lee said. 而他返乡的时候也是和一般老百姓一样搭火车。」

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