To further consolidate the vocabulary of food ,fruit and drink, as well as the difference between countable nouns &uncountable nouns.
进一步复习,巩固和学习有关食物,水果及饮料方面的词汇,并能区分可数名词与不可数名词的不同。 |
To further distinguish the Katana fleet of 200 Dreadnaughts, the starships were completely redecorated inside and out in a dark hue, earning the unofficial moniker, the Dark Force.
为了更好辨认卡塔那舰队的200艘无畏级,这些船被从里到外用暗色调重新装饰,得到了“黑暗力量”的非正式绰号。 |
To further emphasize this point data is summarized from a recent survey prepared for the International Fertilizer Development Center by one of the authors of this paper (Table 4.).
为更突出这一问题,本文一名作者最近总结了为国际肥料发展中心准备的调查资料(表4)。 |
To further enhance your beauty knowledge and promote professionalism of the Aesthetician in the beauty industry.
给学员有机会应用他们所学的美容知识以提升专业的美容水准。 |
To further expand LANXESS business in China, we welcome all talent to join us in the journey to energize chemistry.
为配合朗盛在中国的发展,我们诚邀英才加入我们的团队,共同为化工行业注入非凡活力。 |
To further expand its market, Thrive gaze on products continuously innovation, and strive to make Thrive has been leading brands trendy.
为进一步拓展市场,喜睐宝在产品上坚持不断“创新”,力争使喜睐宝品牌一直引领时尚潮流。 |
To further increase the utilization of this board and work efficiency of our class; future announcements will be posted here.
为加强本版使用率及本班作业的效率,往后公告将以本板为主. |
To further inestigate, the researchers examined the association between seere hypoglycemia and smoking in 537 subjects in the Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy who took part in the last examination phase (2000 to 2001).
为了进一步研究,研究者们检测了从2000到2001参,与威斯康辛州糖尿病性视网膜病流行病学研究最后阶段的537受试者严重低血糖和吸烟的关联。 |
To further our study of the Yuan Bai School, it is necessary to expound and illustrate this identification and judgment.
出于元白诗派研究的需要,这一定位这一判断值得加以具体论证。 |
To further perfect the process of Laser Rapid Prototyping and to further improve the manufacturing precision of the Rapid Prototyping Technology, a theoretical analysis is made of the galvanometer scanning system widely-used in stero-prototyping technolog
摘要为进一步完善激光快速成型工艺,并提高快速成型技术的制造精度,对立体成型技术中广泛使用的振镜扫描系统进行了理论分析,提出并实践了一种新的校正算法。 |
To further reach its goal of continued economic development, the PRC adopted a new security stategy, in particular in its policy toward the United States.
加入世贸组织后的冲击与九一一事件后国际战略情势的转变是近期影向中共外交政策走向的两大变数。 |