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Admirable though it is, this policy does not tackle the root cause of Indonesia's rising poverty.

Administrators at the Christian-based school said e-mails, posters and campus bulletin boards were just too easy to ignore. 这所基督教学校的管理人员表示,电子邮件、海报和校园公告栏都太容易被大家忽视。
Administrators come to like the perks and power of deciding who is deserving. 管理者们的兴趣会转向个人利益以及那种可以决定谁该受到捐助的权力上面。
Administrators gain more granular control over resources through new features, and can specify the maximum active sessions per consumer group. 通过几个新特征的引入,管理者可以对资源实施更小粒度的控制,能够指定每个用户群最大数目的活动会话。
Administrators, researchers, extension workers and all individuals involved in technology transfer are to be congratulated for their foresight and efforts in this area. 应祝贺所有参与传播技术的管理人员、研究人员、推广人员和个人在这一领域的远见灼识和勤奋努力。
Adminitrators list is empty! 管理员列表为空!
Admirable though it is, this policy does not tackle the root cause of Indonesia's rising poverty. 想法固然不错,但不能解决印尼贫困人口增加问题的根源。
Admirable, but foolish. Your reputation is what gains respect from the people, not actions no one will see. 令人佩服,但是很愚蠢。得到别人的尊敬就是你的荣誉,而不是没人看到的行动。
Admiral Horatio Nelson's one-sleeved undershirt, possibly the only piece of the British war hero's clothing still in private hands, will be auctioned off next month in London, Sotheby's said on Friday. 世界著名的索思比拍卖公司9月23日表示,被誉为近百年来世界10大军事统帅之一的英国著名军事家霍雷肖·纳尔逊上将的一件汗衫将于下个月在伦敦被拍卖。
Admiral Piett only made two mistakes during his distinguished career. 在皮耶特上将任职的这段期间内只有犯过两次错误。
Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew to the North Pole in 1926 and over the South Pole in 1929. 美国海军海军上将理德·E·伯德在1962年飞向北极和1929年飞越南极。
Admiral Vladimir Masorin explained his plans on a visit to Sebastopol. 弗拉基米尔?马索林海军上将介绍了他将要对塞瓦斯托波尔进行访问的情况。

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