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The species of limb type are % of the growth form of plant, as well as those of endlong type and tuff type are % and 0%.
株生长型结构以分枝型种类最多 ,占 % ,直立型和丛生型分别为 %和 0 % ;

The spadix of Colocasia is different from those of Caladium,by lacking atypical bisexual flowers between the female and the male zone. 与彩叶芋属(Caladium)不同, 此过渡区未见畸形两性花。
The spatial distribution of atmospheric PCBs in hiemal Guangzhou were studied. The result indicated that the winter concentrations of atmospheric PCBs decreased in the order of urban, suburban and background. 广州地区冬季大气中PCBs空间分布的研究结果表明,空气中PCBs的总量按照距离市区从近到远浓度依次降低。
The special activity of the chimera was 90? 目的蛋白质的纯度可达90 %。
The special policy of revenue from tax development to infuse into the source of vitalities for the fast health of the athletics economic activities of our country. 税收优惠政策为我国体育经济活动的快速健康发展注入了生机。
The species composition, biological characteristics and seasonal variation of nekton were analyzed by principal component analysis, regression analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis. 采用主成份分析、回归分析和聚类分析等统计学方法分析游泳生物的组成、生物学及季节变化等特征。
The species of limb type are % of the growth form of plant, as well as those of endlong type and tuff type are % and 0%. 株生长型结构以分枝型种类最多 ,占 % ,直立型和丛生型分别为 %和 0 % ;
The species of limb type are % of the growth form of plant, as well as those of tuft type are %, endlong type and stolon type are all %. 株生长型结构以分枝型种类最多占%,丛生型为 %,直立型和匍匐型分别占%。
The species of limb type occupies % of the total plant growth form, and the tuff type and the endlong type each forms % and 8% respectively. 株生长型结构以分枝型种类最多占 % ,丛生型和直立型分别为 %和 8% ;
The species of the skipper genus Halpe Moore occurring in China is brie fly reviewed. 酣弄蝶属Halpe全世界已知8种,中国已知种,在总结中国酣弄蝶分类研究的基础上,记述新种:凹斑酣弄蝶Halpe concavimarginata sp.nov.
The specific activity of GST from midgut reached \{ 888.\} (nmol/(min·mg)) by GSH-Sepharose B column chromatography and the purification factor increased to 07. 8-fold. 用GSH_Sepharose B纯化中肠GST,GST比活力达到.888 nmol (min·mg), 纯化倍数达到07. 8。
The specific value for CD+/CD8+ cell ratio calculated in the NC group wasj .8: ,and the ratio of T cell to B cell was .: in the lamina propria. 果发现,健康对照组鼻粘脱固有层内T :B为. :,CD_~+/CD_8~+比值为. 8:。

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