China's way ensures that those smithereens—thousands of bits of debris, large and small—will orbit like bullets in space for years (another reason the Americans and Russians desisted).
中国这种方式使得成千上万的碎片,大的小的,像子弹一样在太空遨游很多年。 |
China's wheat harvest fell short of consumption last year by 19 million tons.
去年,中国小麦产量和消费量的缺口为1900万吨。 |
China's widening current-account surplus and its strong investment imply excess supply.
中国不断增长的经常帐户盈余以及强劲投资意味着超额供给。 |
China's woollen textile industry is forging ahead to meet the needs of the country.
中国的毛纺工业正迅速发展以适应国家的需要。 |
China's young women are in the midst of a Supergirl rebellion, in which traits such as assertiveness, confidence and creative eccentricity have made a thrilling triumph over the old, introverted ideal of pretty-girl Chinese pop.
整个中国的年轻女孩子都陷入了一场“超女风暴”,而果敢、自信和独树一帜的个性扬眉吐气般地横扫以往以长相俊美、性格内敛为特征的女星形象。 |
China's yuan closed flat at 8.2 against the US dollar for the second straight day yesterday as rising dollar demand from importers offset hard currency selling related to exports.
由于昨天进口商对美元的需求抵消了出口导致的硬通货卖盘压力,人民币兑美元的收盘价连续两天保持在8.2的水平。 |
China, A New History, his last works, summarizes the main ideas of his view on China that are characterized by three aspects: with the evidence from archeological discoveries, the continuity and unity of China's culture is emphasized; against the backgrou
费氏的中国观具有三个主要特点:以考古学领域发现为佐证,强调中国文化的连续性和同一性;以中国历史为背景,强调中国文化的特殊性;从美中关系的发展出发,强调中国文化的重要性。 |
China, Japan and Korea are officially cooperating in FOSS localization.
中国、日本和韩国在自由/开源软件的本地化上进行了官方合作。 |
China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam.
中国、韩国、日本及越南。 |
China, Laos and Vietnam also were ranked low on the list.
中国、老挝和越南也列在新闻自由度排名的后部。 |
China, a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, has made clear that it doesn't think Japan is deserving of similar status.
中国作为联合国常任理事国反对日本获得同样的地位。 |