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There is a nip in the air today.

There is a new species of leopard out there in the rainforest of Borneo. The clouded leopard is secretive and gets its name from the cloud-shaped patterns on its fur. 在婆罗洲的雨林中发现了一种新品种的美洲豹.这种云点斑纹的豹子很神秘,并根据它毛皮上的云状花纹样式为其命名。
There is a newly opened movie theatre right by our house. 我们的房子附近有一间新开幕的电影院。
There is a nice compact over there. It is only three years old, one owner; low mileage and in perfect shape. Would you like to test-drive it? 那边有部很好的小车,三年车龄,一个车主,哩程数低,性能很棒,你要试开吗?
There is a nice conceptual summary of the argument in the gravitational waves section of this web site. 关于这方面的概念在本站的引力波部分有很好的描述。
There is a nick on my hand. 我的手上有个小伤口。
There is a nip in the air today. 今天寒气袭人。
There is a non-entity double dimension and multi-level constructive principle in Marx's theory of social morphology, which means a principle of dividing different social morphology in two dimensions of time and space, and a principle of dividing different 摘要马克思的社会形态理论存在著一种双维多级化的构造原则:不同的社会形态在时间和空间双向维度上的划分原则;不同的社会形态的原生、次生、再次生的多级化划分原则。
There is a notable difference between his earlier and later writings. 他的早期作品和后期作品之间有明显的差异。
There is a notation of three appointments on his personal calendar for April 5. 他的个人日程表上记着四月五日有三个约会。
There is a note book,a pen and a bottle of ink on the desk. 桌上有一个笔记本、一支钢笔和一瓶墨水。
There is a noticeable reduction in dung output from the piggery and also a very noticeable reduction in smell around the piggery and all effluent drains are running much easier with no blockages. 粪便的排出量大幅度减少,猪圈周围的臭气也明显减弱了,所有的排污系统可以畅通无阻的工作了。

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