Various aspects breed the technology, And introduces precious outstanding Japan to plant the brocade carp to make the reproduction to use .The coordinate technology and after fine selects chooses, From produces the carp quality to achieve the Japanese lev
有十多年包装经验,各方面养殖技术,并引进名贵优秀日本种锦鲤作繁殖之用,配合技术及经精挑细选,自产鲤素质已达到日本水平,有国内外客户,除国内、香港、台湾销市场外,并行销欧美、东南亚远至南非、冰岛等各地。 |
Various aspects of Han nationality's folk faith, such as the worship of ancestors and gods, the geomantic augury, taboo Custom and so on, display an important characteristic-utilitarianism.
摘要汉族民间信仰中的祖先崇拜、神灵崇拜、占卜风水、禁忌习俗等各个方面都展现出功利性的特点。 |
Various astronomers, including us, have now surveyed large numbers of fledgling brown dwarfs in nearby young star-forming regions and clusters (where stars' ages can be estimated from their color and brightness), looking for this infrared excess.
现在,包括我们在内的许多天文学家,已经在邻近的年轻恒星形成区域和星团(在那里恒星的年龄可由颜色与亮度来估计)里,检视了大量初生未久的棕矮星,寻找过量的红外光。 |
Various bodies are creating standards and inspection regimes that will allow buyers of carbon offsets to feel confident that they really are getting what they pay for (see article).
各种机构制定出不同的标准以及检查体系,这使得碳抵消的消费者对他们所购买的东西感到物有所值。 |
Various brands, trademarks, decorations, artistic work pieces, etc. filling materials and protective coating film.
各种品牌、标志、饰品、药品灌注及保护膜。 |
Various channels for accumulating mileage of Air China Companion make you got free journeys more easily and conveniently.
国航知音多种多样的里程积累途径使您更容易、更快捷地获取免费旅行。 |
Various clinical manifestations reflect different forms of alkaline phosphatase gene expression.
不同型之临床表现与其硷性磷酸酶之基因缺失有关。 |
Various clumps of cells in the brain stem determine the brain\'s general level of alertness and regulate the vegetative processes of the body such as breathing and heartbeat.
脑干各种细胞簇决定脑的反应和控制身体生长过程例如呼吸和心跳的总体水平。 |
Various colors are for various characters of role: black for uprightness, white for treachery and bad faith , red for loyalty.
脸谱与西方的化妆误会的面具不同,脸谱是在脸上作画,颜色与人物性格有关,不同颜色代表不同性格:黑——耿直,白——背叛和奸诈,红——忠诚。 |
Various committee members made interesting points.
许多委员提出了使人关注的意见. |
Various compositions of concrete and steel material have consisted of main structural systems of high-rise buildings.
摘要混凝土和钢材两种材料的不同组合方式,构成了现代高层建筑的主要结构体系。 |