I knew I had to step down from the stage of my performing career one day. The question was: how to secure my future living?
我们做演艺这一行,总有退下舞台的时候,退下来后怎办?未来的生活保障从何而来? |
I knew I love you. As long as you love me. The answer to your life.I will never break your heart.
我知道我爱你。你爱我多久。用你的一生来回答。决不让你心碎。 |
I knew I owe everyone too much that I can never pay back.
我知道我欠大家很多,还不完的。 |
I knew I should go back to the stockade now , but an idea came to me and I sat down to wait for darkness .
我知道我应该立刻回到寨子里去,但一种意念驱使我坐下来等着天黑。 |
I knew I shouldn't eat too many sweets, I just can't help it.
我知道我不能吃太多的甜点,可实在是忍不住。 |
I knew I used it all the time.
我只知道我无时不刻不在使用。 |
I knew I was going to be the one left behind.
早已明白自己将会是那个被遗弃的人。 |
I knew I was wet from the rain, and bloody too, and that I was barefoot and dirty, and wearing peasant clothing.
我听到他们把一堆鱼从一张木桌子上砰一下推到地上,然后把我放到粘滑的桌面上。 |
I knew Lillian was praying for me; she always prays for our family, especially when one of us is away.
我知道莉莲一定在为我祈祷;她总是为我们一家人祈祷,尤其是有人出门在外时。 |
I knew Mr Smith long before I knew you.
早在认识你之前我就认识史密斯先生了。 |
I knew Tom long before I knew you.
我在认识你之前很久就认识了汤姆。 |