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City residents complain that migrant workers have threatened to take already scarce urban jobs.

City officials yesterday politely rejected Donald Trump's offer to take over renovations at the Central Park Zoo, but privately said the developer was trying to make a monkey out of Mayor Koch. 市府官员婉言谢绝了特鲁普按管整修中央公园动物园的提议,可是私底下说这位地产开发商是想出葛市长的洋相。
City people, in particular, often dream of spending their vacations in quiet natural settings/ environment. 尤其是生活在城市里的人常常梦想在宁静的自然中度过他们假期的时光。
City planning and allied studies. 城市规划和相关研究。
City rejected The Blues' £20 million offer for the England flyer early on Friday and Pearce claims that the 23-year-old remains committed to the club. 在星期五的早些时候曼城拒绝了蓝军对于英格兰边锋2000万英镑的报价,曼城主帅皮尔斯声称23岁的小赖特已表态愿意留在俱乐部。
City residents also blame migrant workers for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate. 城市居民还责怪民工造成了城市犯罪率大幅度上升。
City residents complain that migrant workers have threatened to take already scarce urban jobs. 城市居民抱怨民工威胁着本来已很紧张的城市就业机会。
City services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point. 城市服务及设施的使用已经到了极限.
City travel is easiest via China's cheap taxis (whose drivers happily do not require tipping), though driving styles are cavalier. 在中国的城市,便宜的出租车是最便利的交通工具(令人高兴的是,中国的出租车司机不会向你索取小费),他们开车也很有风度。
City view of Heidelberg as viewed from the Schloss. 从城堡看出去的海德堡城市景观。
City would never sell out their proud history and tradition. 曼城从不出卖自己光荣的历史和传统。
City's fans really didn't want to go up automatically in 1999 - they honestly wanted to go through the play-off lottery. 1999年曼城球迷并不希望提前升级,他们确实很想把最后一场的彩票都买了。

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