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These female chief executives are mentors and role models for aspiring women.

These features will quickly weed out the non-hackers who don't want to play “right. 这样的特性能够很快的淘汰那些不想公平玩游戏的非黑客玩家。
These feelings of insecurity and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow. 这种不安全感和自我怀疑感都是不可避免的,也是我们改变和成长所必需面对的。
These feelings, often known as the holiday blues,may be even more prevalent this year, due to the emotional turmoil of the past few months, not to mention the unsteady economy. 且不说变化不定的经济,过去几个月来情感上的波折就可能使这种被称为假日忧伤的情感在今年更为普遍。
These fees can include research, analysis, game design and/or facilitation services, and are dependent on the complexity of the issue(s) involved and magnitude of the war game effort. 这些费用包括研究、分析、游戏设计或服务设施,因涉及各野战事件的复杂和游戏级数的不同而定。
These fees pay for the investments that cellular service providers make to create and operate dedicated RF networks. 这些费用都是用来支付行动电话服务业者建造及营运专用的无线网路的投资。
These female chief executives are mentors and role models for aspiring women. 这些女性首席执行官是那些有抱负女性的导师和榜样。
These festivals are called Girls' Day and Boys' Day. 这些节日叫“女孩节”和“男孩节”。
These fetal kidneys (from a gestation estimated at 25 weeks in the second trimester) demonstrate a normal cut surface. Note the pelvis and calyces. Note the well-defined corticomedullary junctions. 这是妊娠中期,估计为25周胎儿肾。切面正常,可见肾盂、肾盏,皮质、髓质分界清楚。
These few words fully revealed her noble quality. 这寥寥数语充分显示了她的高贵品质。
These fictions discourage some would-be entrepreneurs from giving it a go, and even influence policymakers. 这些虚构的东西让一些可能成为企业家的人失去了起步的勇气,甚至还影响了决策者。
These fields had subtle aromas that I loved to sit and meditate in. 这些田野散发淡淡的芳香,我喜欢坐在那里冥想。

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