Healthwise, the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere outside of sub-Saharan Africa are more alike than different.
以健康问题而言,北半球与南半球(非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南除外)的相似点多于相异点。 |
Healthy businesses used to display their fat with the same exuberance as banks would impress their depositors with marble.
过去,健康的企业总是卖弄自己的脂肪,就如同银行用大理石装潢吸引储户。 |
Healthy cells typically attempt to kill internalized pathogens by having the entry vacuoles fuse with lysosomes, cellular structures containing enzymes that chop up proteins, lipids and DNA.
一般来说,健康的细胞会以溶小体与囊泡融合,将进入细胞的病原菌杀死;因为溶小体当中带有分解蛋白质、脂质及DNA的酵素。 |
Healthy flies retain learned information for hours or even days.
正常果蝇则能够记住所学内容几小时甚至几天。 |
Healthy hair is highly elastic and can stretch 20 or 30 per cent before a ing.
健康的头发非常富有弹性,可拉长20%或30%而不断。 |
Healthy hair is highly elastic and can stretch 20 or 30 per cent before snapping.
健康的头发非常富有弹性,可拉长20%或30%而不断。 |
Healthy human life could flourish only in accord with Dao -- nature, simplicity, a free-and-easy approach to life.
健康的人类生命只可以通过与道协调一致而活跃——自然,简单,一种自由——安逸,约等于生命。 |
Healthy is the biggest wealth for human being.
健康对人来说是最大的财富。 |
Healthy mind in a healthy body.
健康的心智寓于健康的身体之中。 |
Healthy physical training: To promote the healthy development of children both physically and mentally, we cooperated with Zhuhai Rongguotuan Sports School and established Pingpong and international chess lessons.
健康发展的体育教育:为了孩子身体和心理的共同发展,我园与珠海容国团体育学校合作开设乒乓球、国际象棋等项目。 |
Healthy relationships are the number one generator of happiness; gone awry, they afford pain and misery.
和谐的人际关系,特别是和谐的两性关系是幸福的重要来源,处理不好,会带来痛苦和悲伤。 |