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As far as Michael is concerned, he can now start to focus on playing again. It's going to be a long haul but he can start to focus on that.

As a traditional way to celebrate the New Year, setting off firecrackers is justifiably welcomed by most Chinese people. 燃放鞭炮,作为一种传统的庆贺新年活动,理所当然地受到大多数中国人民的欢迎。
As adults, taller individuals are more likely to select into higher paying occupations that require more advanced verbal and numerical skills and greater intelligence, for which they earn handsome returns,they wrote. 她们在文中提到:“个子较高的成年人从事高薪职业的可能性更大,由于高薪职业对人的语言、算术能力、以及智力的要求更高,所以他们挣的钱也很多。”
As aging and death are rolling in on me, lord, what else should be done but Dhamma-conduct, right conduct, skillful deeds, meritorious deeds? 「世尊!当年老和死亡之轮滚滚地向我而来时,除了以佛的正『法、律』为导,勤修善行,还能有其它什麽办法呢?!」
As an action movie, it's talky, but it rocks. 作为一部动作片,它的对话太多了,但是它实在是厉害.
As far as I know, there just is nobody else for whom there is this sort of broadcast archive,he said. 他说:“就我所知,一般人是没有类似的演说记录档案的。”
As far as Michael is concerned, he can now start to focus on playing again. It's going to be a long haul but he can start to focus on that. “就欧文本人而言,他现在已经可以重新投入到重回赛场的准备中了。虽然他已经离开赛场很久了,但是他完全可以全身心地进行准备。”
As far as this subject, later researches discredited the earlier conclusions. 这个课题后来的研究推翻了早先的结论。
As far as what?he snipped. “能有什么看法,”他反击说。
As for Gad, raiders shall raid him, But he will raid at their heels. 创49:19迦得必被敌军追逼、他却要追逼他们的脚跟。
As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. 31至于神,他的道是完全的。耶和华的话是炼净的。凡投靠他的,他便作他们的盾牌。
As for Trapattoni, he is as you see him, a straightforward, likeable guy with a profound knowledge of football and huge enthusiasm. 像你们所看到的,特拉帕多尼是一个十分坦率、可爱的人,他拥有十分丰富的足球知识和无与伦比的投入热情。

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