Because it allows radiant heat loss, Demron feels cool to the touch and releases internal heat to the surrounding air.
由于辐射热得以逸散,所以底米龙的触感凉爽,并能将内部的热释放至周遭空气,因而「它能用来覆盖你全身100%的表面积」,底米欧说道。 |
Because it always had yellow t-shirt like our selection.
因为他总是穿着和巴西一样的球衣. |
Because it always has a beautiful tale.
因为它总是有一个美丽的故事。 |
Because it bit my finger so.
因为它咬了我手指一口。 |
Because it can be exceedingly contagious in aerosol form, the Ebola virus ranks with smallpox and anthrax as one of the most worrisome potential biological weapons.
刚果共和国于去年爆发相关疫情,期间共有178人感染病毒,其中157人死于出血热。 |
Because it can be seen or cognised it is apparent that the mind is not the source of illumination.
因意识于此表面现象而有所见或有所知,则不能得见觉性本体。 |
Because it can be simply removed and sent to a landfill, it is often assumed that the problem ends there.
由于垃圾可以简单地转移到垃圾掩埋场,所以人们通常以为问题到此便结束了。 |
Because it can\'t sit down.
因为它不能坐下来。 |
Because it could be produced almost anywhere and because its yield even on poor land was satisfactory, Indian corn was the chief crop.
由于几乎任何地方都能种植,而且甚至在贫瘠的土地上的产量也令人满意,所以印第安玉米成了主要作物。 |
Because it declined to rest its judgment on ripeness grounds, preferring to dispose of the case on the merits, the latter court's decision precludes, both practically and legally, any takings claim with respect to Lucas' preamendment deprivation.
因为其拒绝接受成熟原则的判断,无论是从实践上还是法律上,后来法院的裁定排除了卢卡斯的征用主张。 |
Because it fits me like a glove.
因为这份工作就像手套一样合适我。 |