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Loans are the most important part of a bank's income.

Loan Financing Addressing to the financial needs of individual and corporate clients in their business or investment, the Group offers general money lending services from short-term to long-term loans through Emperor Finance Limited. 英皇财务有限公司明白个人及公司客户在其业务及投资上的财务需要,因此为客户提供短期至长期的财务贷款。
Loan default is the main reason that bank's get into trouble and it is for this reason that many banks have dedicated credit risk management departments. 贷款拖欠是银行陷入困境的主要原因,而且正是由于这个原因,许多银行才有了专门的信贷风险管理部门。
Loan sales, loss of interest owing on the loan? 贷款买房,提前还贷损失利息吗?
Loan tenure within a year of, this contract interest rate doesn't adjust. 贷款期限在一年内(含一年)的,本合同利率不调整。
Loan words in Japanese are phonetically translated loan words. 摘要日本语外来语是音译借用语。
Loans are the most important part of a bank's income. 贷款是银行收入的重要部分。
Loans do not have to be sold to cash in on their rising value: marking the assets to their market value has the same beneficial effect on profits and on managers' pay. 贷款不会在价值上升时被卖出套现,将资产标记为市场价值可以对利润和经理们的报酬产生同样有利的作用。
Loans for studying abroad are currently limited to commercial loans. 出国留学贷款目前只适用于商业性贷款。
Loans from Chinese banks in clude circulating capital loans, fixed assets loans, loans to urban and rural in dividuals engaged in industrial and commercial business and agricultural loans. 我国银行贷款分为流动资金贷款、固定资产贷款、城乡个体工商户贷款以及农业贷款等科目。
Loans to be used by the Chinese and foreign parties as investment or conditions for cooperation, and their guarantees, shall be provided by each party on its own. 中外合作者用作投资或者合作条件的借款及其担保,由各方自行解决。
Lob because you are being thrown outside the court wide or deep. 因为你正广或深地被拉到球场外面时,才打高吊而慢的球。

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