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They say this marks the first whale or dolphin to be wiped out because of human activity.

They say they hate ads in newspapers but diligently cut out coupons. 他们说他们除了勤勉地在报纸中厌恶广告削减出自折扣券。
They say they never watch ads on TV, but cheer the reruns of the old ones. 他们说他们在电视上不要看广告,但是加油旧的的再映。
They say they tried to find out if the 42-year-old in custody is connected to any other attacks in the case. 警方称他们试图查出这名42岁的在押犯是否涉嫌这个案子中的其它犯罪行为。
They say they understand why some in Latin America feel they have been ignored and strenuously argue that is not the case. 他们也明白一些拉美地区人民感觉自己被忽视,并且极力宣称事实并非如此。
They say they want to raise enough money to design what they call a 21 century campus. 他们希望筹集到足够的资金设计一所可以称得上“二十一世纪校园”的大学。
They say this marks the first whale or dolphin to be wiped out because of human activity. 这是第一次人类活动令到鲸鱼或海豚绝种。
They say this will set a new Guinness World Record . 他们说这将产生一个新的吉尼斯世界纪录。
They say to the seers, See no more visions!and to the prophets, Give us no more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions. 10他们对先见说、不要望见不吉利的事、对先知说、不要向我们讲正直的话、要向我们说柔和的话、言虚幻的事。
They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. 摩西在律法上吩咐我们,把这样的妇人用石头打死。你说该把他怎么样呢。
They say unto him, The first. 他们说,大儿子。
They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? 法利赛人说、这样、摩西为甚麽吩咐给妻子休书、就可以休他呢。

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