The Appendix B contains the work sheet which should be filled in every time routine check is done.
附录A详细描述了每日/每周/每月的日常工作规程。 |
The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed to be construed as part of this Contract.
译:整个合同期间,本合同的附件应被视为合同的一部分予以解释。 |
The Appendix provides a few sample forms to illustrate these tips.
本文的附录提供了一些简单的法律文书范本-----这将有助于你理解这些招数。 |
The Applicant is required to fill in the following items in good faith and as detailed as possible,and affix signature to this application, which shall be treated as proof of application to the Company for cargo transportation insurance and constitute an
本投保单由投保人如实填写并签章后作为向本公司投保货物运输保险的依据,本投保单为该货物运输保险单的组成部分。 |
The Applicant would need to demonstrate that potential variations in the water quality, particularly with respect to mineral composition, would not influence the composition of the extract.
申请人应声明水质的潜在偏差,特别是矿物质成分,不会影响提取物的成分。 |
The Application for Arbitration shall be signed by, and/or affixed with the seal of, the Claimant and/or the authorized agent of the Claimant.
仲裁申请书应由申请人及/或申请人授权的代理人签名及/或盖章。 |
The Approach followed the schedule and the route is the same as before, through the Abruzzi-Spur. Despite the bad weather, the higher CAMPs were established one after another.
依据登山日程和路程而安排的登山进军路线和上次一样,也是穿过阿布拉孜山脊。尽管坏天气的不利影响,更高的营地还是一个接一个陆陆续续地建立了。 |
The Approved List is updated periodically. To obtain current information of approved models of flexible gas tubing, please contact our office at 2808 3683 during office hours.
此清单定期更新,如需查询获批准低压气体接驳软喉型号的最新资料,请于办公时间内致电28083683。 |
The Approved List should be read in conjunction with the “Disclaimer” at EMSD Home-page.
认可清单应与本署主页的「免责声明」一并参阅。 |
The April 14 kidnap-murder of TV entertainer Pai Ping-ping's teenage daughter Pai Haiso-yen sparked public fury over worsening social order, bringing out tens of thousands of protesters on May 4 in a march to the Presidential Office to demand President Le
4月14日电视艺人白冰冰未成年的女儿白晓燕绑架撕票案,导致社会对于治安恶化的恐慌,使得5月14日万人游行至总统府要求总统李登辉向社会大众道歉和行政院长连战下台。 |
The April 19 Science contains the study.
详见今年4月19日《科学》。 |