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A novice lion tamer was being interviewed.

A novel vocal segments detection approach for singer identification is proposed. 提出了一种新的语音检测算法。
A novel, simple and cost effective assay for monitoring blood levels of rapamycin (sirolimus) and rapamycin analogues was developed. 我们开发了一项用于检测血液中雷帕霉素(西罗莫司)和雷帕霉素类似物浓度的简便、经济节省的新型分析方法。
A novelist creates characters and a plot. 小说家塑造人物并设计作品的情节.
A novelist must be able to use the cultural heritage of his nation. 小说家要善于利用他本国的文化遗产。
A novelty of the test is to link collective decision with relative factor scarcities. 这一检验的新颖之处在于,它将集体决策与要素的相对稀缺性相联系。
A novice lion tamer was being interviewed. 一位驯狮新手正在接受采访。
A novice lion tamer was being interviewed. I understand your father was also a lion tamer,the reporter queried. 一位驯狮新手正在接受采访。“我知道你的父亲也是个驯狮手,”记者说。
A novice might conclude that the breeding hasn't taken and try to rebreed the queen. 一个繁育新手可能会由此断定繁育并没有成功,并且会试着再次对母猫进行繁育。
A novice or learner, particularly in newspaper reporting. 生手,新手新手或初学者,尤指报纸报导中的新手
A novice programmer was once assigned to code a simple financial package. 一个初学者被要求编写一个财务软件。
A nozzled tube used to apply paint in a spray form. 一种将颜料喷成雾状的喷嘴管。

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